Church of the Holy Family Newsletter: Sun. 2nd March ’25

Very Rev. Aodhan Cannon, P.P.
074-95 41135 / 087 4758009
Rev. Philip Daly, CC Kilclooney

Daily and weekend Masses at the usual times.

Anniversary and Memorial Masses as follow

Saturday at 7.30pm ………. John Francis & Mary Rose Gallagher, Ballycashel
James Daniel Gallagher & May Mc Elhinney, Meengliharry
Sunday at 9.00am ………… Priest’s Intention
Sunday at 11.00am ………… Priest’s Intention
Monday at 10.00am…… Priest’s Intention
Tuesday at 10.00am ……… Priest’s Intention
Ash Wednesday 7.30am……. Priest’s Intention
Ash Wednesday at 10.00am ……… Pro Populo (For the People)
Ash Wednesday at 7.30pm …… Marie Braddon & Deceased
Braddon Family, Garrowart
Thursday at 10.00am…… ……. Priest’s Intention
Friday 10.00 ………. Priest’s Intention
Friday at 7.30pm ……. Priest’s Intention

Saturday at 11.00am……. Priest’s Intention
Saturday at 7.30pm … Packie Maguire, Portnoo Road
James, Margaret & Fr Luke Boyle, Tullycleave

Recent Deaths

Dean Ausitn Laverty PE
Peter Mc Guinness Newtown Donegal Brother of the late Sean Mc Guinness Hillhead.

Noel Gallagher Edeninfagh Glenties
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.

Ash Wednesday

Lent begins on Wednesday 5th March. Masses and distribution of ashes at 7.30 am, 10.00am and 7.30pm. There will be mass every Wednesday morning during Lent at 7.30am.

First Friday

The sick and the housebound will be visited as usual on Friday 7th March.

School Enrolments in the Parish

Anyone wishing to enrol their child for September 2025 should contact the individual school.

Pilgrimage to Fatima

7 nights departing Belfast from 28th May – 4th June. Spiritual Director Fr Anthony CP. To book contact Joe Catney 0044 7776425631. Trocaire Boxes are available in the chapel.

Parish Envelopes (including restoration) for Sunday 23rd February €1988.00

Thank you for your generous contribution
