Loughros Heritage Group are holding a 25 Card Drive fundraiser in Teague’s Bar on Friday, 14th December, starting at 8.00pm.All are welcome and your support will be greatly appreciated.
Donegal G.A.P. Heritage & History Group
The A.G.M. of the Donegal G.A.P. Heritage & History Group will be held on Saturday, 1st December at 3pm in the Parish Centre. The new Doon Fort and Spanish Armada display exhibitions will also be launched. Everyone welcome.
Christmas Lights Events
Sunday 9th December is a big day in Ardara, with Santa’s new grotto in the Heritage Centre.3pm:The Children’s Disco will take place in the Heritage Centre and all the boys and girls are welcome.4pm: Santa Claus will arrive at his Grotto in the Heritage Centre with gifts for all the children. Everyone welcome. Admission €55pm: The Letterkenny Accordion Band will join the popular Glenties Brass Band in the lead up to the Lights Switch-On.6pm: Join Santa and one of Ardara’s most popular citizens for the Switching on of the Lights for Christmas 2018!
Ardara Shopping Spree
Ardara has launched a strong campaign for this year’s Shopping Spree from Thursday 6th December to Saturday 8th December. Please support local businesses and local jobs.
“Hard 2 Beat” for Christmas Lights Draw
Friday night 21st December is the launch of the draw for first prize in the fantastic Christmas Lights Draw.The first prize is flights for two to New York with €500 spending money (see below for details).Dancing is from 11pm with the band “Hard 2 Beat”.
Christmas Eve Music on the Diamond
The Brass Band, mince pies and mulled wine has been a great tradition at the Flowerpot each year. Gratefully organised by Geraldine Ferguson.It’s great to say that the popular tradition continues this year on Christmas Eve.
Ardara Christmas Lights Draw – Tickets on Sale Now – Fantastic Prizes!
Tickets are selling well for the Christmas Lights Draw, with amazing prizes to be won!1st Prize: FLIGHTS FOR TWO TO NEW YORK with $500 spending money!
(If you live abroad, these can be exchanged for flights to Ireland)2nd Prize: Two Nights Stay in the Harcourt Hotel, Dublin
(2 Nights B&B plus 1 dinner for two)3rd Prize: Two Nights Stay in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel, Ardara
(2 Nights B&B plus 1 dinner for two)4th Prize: Free entry to all events at the
Ardara Cup of Tae Festival 20195th Prize: €100 Shopping Voucher
for V2 Boutique / Verve outlet, Ardara & Donegal TownTickets: €10 or 3 for €20 available from any shop, or contact:
Stephen McCahill (087 242-4590)or Desmond Campbell (087 219-6541)Draw will take place at a dance in the Nesbitt Arms on Friday 21st December 2018
Art Classes
Mixed media art classes continue every Friday evening from 7 to 9 pm upstairs in the Heritage Centre.For more information or to book a place contact Colm: 087 3222910
Ardara Camera Club Charity Calendar & Framed Photos
The Ardara Camera Club Charity Calendar: Local Images in aid of Pieta House Letterkenny is available for €9. All proceeds go to the charity. All 12 photographs can be easily removed and framed as keepsakes.Calendars will also be on sale at the Clanree Hotel Letterkenny Christmas Fair this weekend, where there will also be a large selection of photographs mounted and framed for sale at reasonable prices.Contact the Camera Club on Facebook, tel 0860773359 or email ardaracameraclub@gmail.com.
Christmas Craft Fair at Dawros Bay House
CANCELLED: The Craft Fair on Saturday 1st December had been cancelled until further notice due to family illness. Apologies.
The sympathy of the community this week goes to the McHugh Family on the death of Mary Mahan who died in England during the week. She was a sister of Patsy and Christy McHugh, Glengesh. ARDARA WEATHER
A warm welcome awaits at this newly opened B&B set along the Wild Atlantic Way within walking distance of Ardara town centre. TV and free Wifi in each room. All…