Ardara Day Centre
Could you offer a helping hand to support our elderly in our community?
Ardara Day Centre needs committee volunteers. The Centre is run by a voluntary committee without which the service could not continue. Our Day Centre needs more committee volunteers.
Do you have a skill you can lend to our Day Centre committee and help future-proof you local Day Centre such as admin, IT, accounting, marketing or law?
Please get in touch to see how you can help secure the future of your local Day Centre.
Call 087-9459500 for information.
The Pistols Return

They’re back and they’ll be rocking out loud in Annora Bar in Narin on the 9th June!
New power trio line up, including a fantastic new guitarist and a new singer.
“We’re really looking forward to getting back out there and rocking out with you guys, so we hope to see you all again over the season to help us get loud!”
Strawman & Jason Deery at the Beehive

StrawMan and Jason Deery perform live at the Beehive bar, Friday week 26th May.
Admission is €10.
English Conversation Sessions
Are you interested in being involved in the set-up and running of English conversation sessions for members of our community looking to learn/improve their English? Morning mid-week availability required at present.
Contact Emma on 086-8443529.