Paul Dawson is from Glenties and is a fine young man. Sadly Paul suffers from a severe form of MS. The good news for Paul is that there is a successful treatment in India that would help Paul, but the cost is extreme. Good people in Glenties, Ardara, Portnoo and surrounding areas have mounted a great fundraising campaign to bring Paul to India and now they are on the last hurdle.So a special dinner dance has been organised in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel for Saturday July 29th. This is no ordinary dinner dance, there are special high quality prizes on offer to help the fund. Please come and support to give a friend a chance of a better quality life. Tickets are on sale at the Nesbitt Arms Hotel price 50 euros. This function is so important to the fund, please support. You can support Paul and follow his fundraising campaign on his facebook page.
Duchas Time Again
Last Christmas we had a wonderful edition of Duchas on sale, and it looks like this year will be the same, as submissions have started to come in already. If you have a good article and would like to have it printed, please forward to;
Bluegrass Festival
Pat Mc Gill has just released more details of the many great acts coming to Ardara for the Bluegrass Festival, from Friday 14 to Sunday 16 July. Jeff & Tristan Scroggins from Colorado, The Peterson Family from Branson, Missouri and Berea College Bluegrass Ensemble from Kentucky. One of the year’s big events;The Ardara Bluegrass Weekend.
Wild Atlantic Festival Saturday August 5th to August 12th
This year a special event for children starts off the festival when the Wexford Threatre Group visit Ardara on the Saturday August 5th and perform in the car park. This is a wonderful event for children. Brochures for the festival are in the heritage centre tourist office.
Committees Looking For Help
Flags North is a initiative by B.I.M. to assist communities to sustain their community by way of commercial or tourist events . Anyone who feel they may qualify should email
The Chiropodist will visit St. Shanaghan House on Tuesday July 4th.
This 2-bedroom holiday home has a living room with TV, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, towels and bed linen, and a children’s playground. See listing. Call Joe on 086 8694119…