20th Féile Ceoil Tradisiúnta
Programme of Events 2023
Friday 28th April
Registration for Summer School of Music
The Beehive. 7.00pm – 8.00pm
Beginners School of Music in Fidil, Feadóg Mór, Feadóg Stáin, Bosca Ceoil, Moderate & Advanced only in Fidil & Bosca Ceoil. The world class and our Guest of Honour this year Donna Harkin will do as she has done for 20 years conduct the beginners and moderate classes on Fidil only. International Fiddle player Aisling Drost Byrne will conduct the master class on Fiddle assisted by local and renowned Fiddle player Denise Boyle.
Fee: Adult €80.00 Children: €40.00
Family Rates available
All Star Opening Concert
The Beehive. 8.00pm
Special Event to honour one of the most respected and committed Teachers and Accordion Players in the Country: Donna Harkin. This is a special night for a special lady and a night not to be missed.
Tickets Limited – Contact Pat at the Beehive. Doors open 8.00 p.m. (Performance starts 8.30 p.m.)
Traditional music free in all pubs every night
Saturday 29th April
Final Registration
St. Mary’s School. 9.00am – 10.00am
Beginners class in various instruments with Donna Harkin
Master class on Fiddle with Aisling Drost Byrne
Moderate class on Fiddle with Denise Boyle
Class Times: 10.00am – 12.30pm and 2.00pm – 4.00pm
Ireland’s Top Teachers in Attendance
Music in the Heritage Centre
The Heritage Centre. 1.00pm
This is a unique event in the Centre at lunchtime. Listen to and enjoy Irish Music at its best.
This is a wonderful opportunity to see and hear the best of music in a relaxed and joyful environment.
A free Event – Not to be missed.
Open Air Recitals
The Diamond. 3.00pm.
Open Air Musical Recitals with the best music around.
Visiting Guests
Amongst the many guests this year are a group of musicians from England, USA and the wonderful Ceoltas Group from Co. Down making a welcome return as part of this world famous “Cup of Tae” Festival.
Special Event Honouring Packie Manus Byrne
Heritage Centre at 6.00 p.m.
A very special event honouring the late Packie Manus Byrne. A wonderful get together of visiting and young musicians directed by Tony Finnerty and James Keeney with memories of Packie Manus included in this wonderful Session.

Ceoltas Trad Group
Beehive Bar at 8.30 p.m.
A very special event featuring Ceoltas Trad Group. This year’s Saturday night Concert features the wonderful young musicians from Co Down performing renditions of great traditional tunes.
Come early as this is an event that may be oversubscribed.
Great Sessions all around the town
Sunday 30th April
Music Classes/Workshop continue
10.00am – 12.30pm
Music Classes/Workshop complete
2.00pm – 4.00pm
Music Recital
Heritage Centre. 1.00pm
Music recital by traditional Musicians from all over Ireland.
This Recital is limited in numbers.
Open Air Recital
The Diamond – 3.00 p.m.
Open Air Musical Recital which will include the Students and Teachers from the Schools and Workshops, who will display the learning that took place with a Session on the Diamond.
Finale Concert
The Beehive. 8.00pm
The John “The Tae” Concert is always a special event. This year a list of top Musicians will perform at this Concert in honour of the late great John “The Tae”.
A show not to be missed. Please come early. Seating limited.
The “Cup of Tae” is the name of an Irish Reel. Our Festival is in honour of a renowned Player John “The Tae” Gallagher (generations of his family before him made ‘taes’ on Fair Days and other days of local importance) hence the name of the Festival.
Free Irish Music Sessions in all Pubs in Town (see Posters)
Monday 1st May
Sets Céilí
The Heritage Centre. 8.00pm.
A Sets Céilí will be held in the Heritage Centre with Duntally Ceili Band on 1st May Bank Holiday Monday beginning at 8.00 pm. Clement will call the Sets.
Everyone is welcome. So why not come along and finish off the weekend in style.
Great Sessions all around the town
Contact: Stephen +353 87 2424590
Visit cupoftaefestival.com