Church webcam link: mcnmedia.tv/camera/church-of-the-holy-family-ardara
Anniversary Masses This Coming Week
Monday 10.00am | Patrick Gildea |
Friday 7.30pm | Philomena and Michael Maguire |
Saturday 11.00am | Alice Carr O’Brien |
Saturday 7.30pm | James, Cassie and Nancy Gallagher |
Daily Masses
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 10.00am
Wednesday at 7.30pm
Friday at 10.00am and 7.30pm
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 11.00am
Vigil Mass Saturday: 7.30pm
Sunday: 9.00am and 11.00am
Confessions on Saturday after the 11.00am Mass.
October Devotions
October Devotions every Sunday evening during October at 7.30pm. Rosary, October Prayer to St. Joseph and Benediction.
First Communion will be celebrated this Sunday at 2.00pm. We remember the children in our prayers.
The elderly and housebound will be attended as usual on the First Friday, those who have let us know that they want us to call.
A meeting of the Council of the Pioneer Association in the Parish Centre after Evening Mass on the First Friday.
The Dead
We pray for Kevin Lilly, Creevy, Ballyshannon (husband of Sally Breslin, formerly Upper Monargan) whose funeral takes place this Saturday in Cashelard.
And for Philomena and Michael Maguire; Alice Carr O’Brien; James, Nancy and Cassie Gallagher.
May they rest in peace. Amen
The grass in the cemetery will be cut (weather permitting) towards the end of this coming week. You may wish to protect family graves from grass cuttings.