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Community Notices 8th December, 2017

Church Coffee Morning: Everything from cakes to jams, pictures to novelty items and much more, will be on sale at the annual St. Conal’s Church coffee morning which takes place this Friday, December 8th at Teague’s Bar, Ardara from 10.30am. The event will also include a raffle. The Reverend Robert Wray and church members would like to thank all those who, once again, attended the annual dinner-dance at the Nesbitt Arms Hotel, Ardara, last Friday, November 24th.Save Our Fisheries: The Ardara GAP Heritage & History Group and Loughros Heritage Group have organised a public petition against the closure of The Channel (Loughros More Estuary) and against making the Owenea and Owentocker ‘catch and release’ rivers for the 2018 fishing season. If implented, these changes will have a huge impact on our heritage, tourism and local communities. Copies of the petition are available to sign until Tuesday next, 12th December at Diver’s Newsagents, Charlie’s West End Café, Young’s General Store, Maloney’s Texaco and Darnell’s Mace. It is crucial that as many people as possible sign this petition. Big Turn Out in Ardara: Last Sunday was a big day in Ardara. One of the biggest crowds for years attended the Children’s Party and meeting Santa. At 5.30pm Imelda Heena and her wonderful young choir were joined by the Glenties Brass Band for some delightful carols, and at 6.00 pm our local Councillor Terence Slowey introduced and welcomed to the stage Conal Big Francie, who was this years guest to switch on the lights for Christmas 2017. Thanks to all involved,especially Shane Mulreany for doing a great job organising the lights again this year. There will be a church gate collection on the weekend of 16th/17th December also and baubles are still available in all local shops.Duchas Magazine: The Duchas Magazine is now on sale in the local shops. It is a great production with lots of articles and photographs and will make an ideal Christmas present for family living in Ireland and abroad.Ardara has new and exciting Festival: “South of the Border” is the new Festival taking place on Valentines Weekend next year from 16th to 18th February. This Festival incorporates the music of Jimmy Kennedy and the stories of Packie Manus Byrne. There will be a Song Contest which is now open for entries. The Contest is for amateur song writers i.e. people who have no competition recorded. The prize for the winner is €1000.00 and the inaugural scroll in the Jimmy Kennedy Song Contest. More details will follow but anyone interested in competing in the Contest must send link to lyricsardara@gmail.com but also all details of this Festival can be found on www.ardara.ie.Ulster Bank Service: Ulster Bank’s Community Banker, Eve Curran is holding drop in sessions Every Monday 11-1 at the Heritage Centre and every Wednesday 11-1 at St Shanaghan House in Ardara. She will attend on Monday 11th December. She will be assisting with online banking set up or queries, One to One Personal Financial Review, helping you plan your financial goals, Assisting with your individual account queries, products and services, Arranging one to one appointments if you prefer a home visit. Eve can be contacted on 087 1926529 Or eve.c.curran@ulsterbank.com Please do avail of this service and call in. All welcome!Please take a moment – Please take a moment to fill out the following short survey, which has been designed to help us gather relevant information on what makes your stay with us here in Ardara special and fulfilling. We appreciate your support as we continue to grow and improve on these services, and your feedback is very important to us as a way to meet your future needs. We look forward to seeing you all back with us again soon. Please click on the following link to open the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y2Y2DX2
Check out some of our sponsors:
Auntie B’s Bed and Breakfast
A warm welcome awaits at this newly opened B&B set along the Wild Atlantic Way within walking distance of Ardara town centre. TV and free Wifi in each room. All…
Atlantic Lodge
The bed and breakfast offers a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom with continental breakfast.