Positive Approach
Congratulations to the boys and girls from the local National Schools who presented wonderful artwork to the town displaying their positive attitude to the future. This is a wonderful initiative by the pupils and teachers of our parish, and will lead the way into a new future. Their work is on display in shop windows in town.
Biodiversity and Drumbarron
Special thanks to the two local lads who did such a wonderful job in repairing this area of the parish. Due to this great work, we have a safe pedestrian walking area for families in this time when so many are walking. Projects like this are vital in developing a positive attitude towards the place we live.
Summer is coming
Many in the catering business have noted a lot of enquiries on accommodation for this summer. With many people committed to staying at home, there is a prospect of a summer like last year provided the virus is curtailed and there is a better rollout of the vaccine.
Council Works Delayed
Councillor Anthony Molloy has been advised that all the roads projects due to start now have been suspended as per lockdown and only emergency works will be carried out at this stage.
Parenting Children With Special Needs
Downstrands Family Resource Centre aims to establish a parenting support group to support parents during their journey parenting their child/children with special needs.
Do you have a child with additional needs?
Would you like to meet other parents and get support in a group settling?
Downstrands FRC are looking for parents to join a focus group to determine the need for parents in the area. They will develop a parent lead support group and look at what area’s parents need most support in.
If you would like to get involved please contact our family support worker Niamh on 089-9529647 or familysupportdfrc@protonmail.com
Spaces on the reflexology are still free and it would be a nice way for parents and young person to take time out from the stressor at the moment. Please see poster below.

HSE Covid-19 Updates
Public Health Measures
Ireland is at level 5 restrictions.
You can see the measures in place here.
We ask everyone, for the protection of our friends, family and the frontline, to please stay at home.
COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
The vaccination programme continues to be rolled out nationwide, and more than 240,000 vaccines have been administered.
Daily vaccination data is now available to all on the COVID-19 Data Hub and is on the COVID-19 Tracker App. The data is from 48 hours previously to allow for validation.
The next group (people aged 85 and over) in the COVID-19 vaccine programme will be invited by GPs from Monday 15th February, bringing the vaccine programme firmly into the community. You’ll find answers to your questions about the vaccination programme on www.hse.ie/covid19vaccines.
COVID-19 Vaccine Registration for frontline healthcare workers
The COVID-19 vaccine registration portal is now available for frontline healthcare workers to register for their vaccine. Frontline healthcare workers who have not already registered for a vaccine are being asked to register their details using the online portal over the coming days. This includes frontline healthcare workers working in direct patient care in:
- HSE or HSE-funded organisations
- Private hospitals or clinics
- Community based not-for-profit and private healthcare providers not directly funded by the HSE.
Before you register, please read the Guidelines for sequencing and registration process for HCW COVID vaccination.pdf (size 803 KB). This will help you to identify which group you are in. Other healthcare workers will be invited to register when it is their turn – this includes management, administration and other non-patient/service user facing personnel.
Frontline healthcare workers can register here http://www.hse.ie/hcwvaccine.
COVID-19 vaccine information for people with sight loss
Working with NCBI, information about COVID-19 vaccines for people with sight loss have been created in Braille, audio and large print. These have been distributed to NCBI members. The large print format is also available on hse.ie.
COVID-19 Infection Prevention Control guidance for staff on PPE across healthcare settings webinar
Friday, 12th February (from 12-1pm)
You can register for the webinar here.For telephone access, please use the following:
Telephone: 01 5260058
Access code: 181 470 0764
Tobacco Free Ireland webinar
Wednesday, 17th February (from 12-1pm)
You can register for the webinar here.
HSE Health and Wellbeing Tobacco Free Ireland programme are hosting a special webinar on National No Smoking Day (17th February). We are asking for your support to engage smokers in the 28 Day Challenge in March and to join forces with the HSE to build a Tobacco Free Ireland. People who smoke are more likely to get COVID-19 and the risk of having a severe infection is more likely compared to those who don’t smoke.
Ireland Reads
As part of the Healthy Ireland ‘Keep Well’ campaign and following Slaintecare funding, the recently launched ‘Ireland Reads’ campaign is about promoting the power of reading for enjoyment and wellbeing. Taking some time to relax and do enjoyable things has never been more important, given COVID-19, and there is evidence that reading is a great way to get a sense of escape and boost wellbeing. More details can be found on www.irelandreads.ie.
Where to find COVID-19 Vaccination Information
We encourage everyone to read about the COVID-19 vaccine and to get their information from a factual, trusted source – here are the links to the pages with information on the vaccine:
- Check hse.ie/covid19vaccine for information about the vaccine, information on this page is updated regularly
- Find the vaccine information materials at www.hse.ie/covid19vaccinematerials
- Details on getting the COVID-19 vaccine is updated regularly here
- Read the full COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation Strategy
- Read the National Immunisation Advisory Committee Chapter about COVID-19 vaccine
- COVID-19 vaccine information for health professionals

We express the sympathy of the community to the families of recent deaths in the area: the Concarr family on the death of Ann who was buried on Monday, the Fleury family on the death of Veronica recently, to the Hennigan family on the death of Claire’s husband Dean recently and to the McCole family on the death recently of John McCole.