The Ardara Shows took place this year for the first time at the GAA grounds at Kentucky and what an outstanding day it was. The weather was just brilliant and the atmosphere of happiness that the shows were back again was obvious.
The sheep and cattle and horse displays were outstanding this year and augur well for the coming years. The displays in the main hall were brilliant and satisfied the great crowd that attended.
Great to see all in the Show Society and in the GAA working closely together to deliver such a wonderful event.
Charity Barbeque

The Slowey Family Annual Barbeque will take place in the Corner House from 5pm this Sunday August 21st.
This very special event has raised a lot for charity over the years. Started by Gerard Slowey in memory of his wife who died of breast cancer and then, after his own untimely death in 2016, his family have continued to carry out this special event except for the covid years.
Now the event is back helping good causes. Please come along and support.
Find out more on our Charity Barbeque page.
Father Moore Departs
Fr. Moore will say his last Mass in Ardara this Wednesday August 17th at 7.30pm and a special farewell presentation evening will follow in the Parish Centre.
Good Weather
Great crowds have been visiting Ardara in recent days due to good weather and most of the catering and accommodation providers are quite happy with the season.
Woodhill Resource Centre 5k walk/run
The Woodhill Resource Centre 5k walk/run takes place on Sunday 21st August at 1pm and is open for entries:…/select_competition
Proceeds going to a very worthy cause and prizes for all categories. Entry €10 online / €12 on the day.
Ardara Historical Walking Tour
Ardara Methodist History: From the North-West to the Wild West
Sunday 21st August.
Discover the stories and places that were shaped by Ardara Methodism in the 18th and 19th centuries in Ardara. There will also be a treasure hunt for children as part of the tour with prizes. The walking tour will leave the Methodist Hall car park at 6pm and will be followed with a short presentation and tea/coffee inside the hall following the walk. All are welcome.
Visit our Walking Tour event page for further information.
Covid-19 Second Booster
Any patients over 65 years old are eligible for the vaccine. You can get your second booster at least four months after your first booster.
If you have had Covid-19 since your first booster, you must wait at least four months after you tested positive or from when your symptoms started.
Patients of the surgery can ring 074-9541134 to register their name on our vaccine list and we will contact you when the clinic date is confirmed.
Upcoming National Heritage Week Events
Plants: Local and Global by Liam Dolan
20 August, 7:15pm – 8:30pm
Donegal GAP Heritage and History Group
Beehive Bar, Main Street, Ardara
Plants play important roles in our lives. They provide humanity with food, medicine, clean air and fuel. They also play critical roles in the environment and buffer the planet against changes caused by humans. This presentation will highlight the importance of plants to humanity using examples from local, Donegal heritage and from around the world.
Liam Dolan is a senior scientist at the Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna and emeritus fellow of Magdalen College Oxford. His research uses genetics to understand how plants develop and evolve. His was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in recognition of his contributions to science. He was the Sherardian Professor at the University of Oxford until 2020 and Trustee at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, until 2022.
This event takes place before ‘An Hour with Charlie Boyle and Friends’.
Further info: Plants: Local and Global by Liam Dolan | National Heritage Week 13 – 21 August 2022
An Hour with Charlie Boyle and Friends – All Around the Bloomin’ Heather
20 August, 8:30pm – 9:30pm
Donegal GAP Heritage and History Group
Beehive Bar, Main Street.
Poetry from Glenties renowned local poet Charlie Boyle who will be joined by friends for songs and stories on nature and more.
This event follows the illustrated talk on PLANTS: LOCAL AND GLOBAL (Place of Plants in Our Lives) by Liam Dolan and will commence in the Beehive Bar, Ardara at 8.30pm.
Further info: An Hour with Charlie Boyle and Friends – All Around the Bloomin’ Heather | National Heritage Week 13 – 21 August 2022