Church of the Holy Family Newsletter: Sun. 15th December ’24

Very Rev. Aodhan Cannon, P.P.
074-95 41135 / 087 4758009
Rev. Philip Daly, CC Kilclooney
Very Rev. Dean Austin Laverty, PE

Daily and weekend Masses at the usual times.

Saturday 7.30pm ………. Paddy Gavigan, Tullycleave
Rose & Packie Mc Connell, Brackey
Sunday 9.00am ………… Priest’s Intention
Sunday 11.00am ………… Missa Pro Populo (For the People)
Monday at 10.00am…… Priests Intention
Tuesday at 10.00am ……… … Priests Intention
Wednesday at 7.30pm …… Rose Mc Cafferty, Glencoagh
Thursday at 10.00am…… ……. Priests Intention
Friday at 7.30pm …… ……. Susan Mulhern, Crannogbui
Saturday at 11.00am……. Priests Intention
Saturday 7.30pm … Michael Shovlin, Gortnacart & Kilraine
Connell & Teresa Cannon, Sligo & Ardara


Sean Connaughton, Sandfield
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord

First Fridays

The sick and the housebound will be visited on Friday the 20th December.

Confessions for Christmas

Advent is a time to prepare to celebrate the coming of the Lord. Why not prepare by celebrating the sacrament of reconciliation?
Glenties -Tuesday 17th at 8.00pm
Ardara – Wednesday 18th at 8.00pm. A number of priests available.

Big Clean in the chapel up for Christmas on Tuesday at 7.00pm

Christmas Masses

Christmas Eve: Family Mass at 6.30pm. Children please wear your Christmas jumpers!
Vigil Mass at 10.00pm.
Christmas Day as usual: 9.00 and 11.00am.

Walk with Me

Reflections for each day of Advent: Available in the chapel €1 each. An ideal way to pray through Advent.

Homeless in Dublin

Maria Diver will travel to Dublin on the 15th December. Any donations will be gratefully accepted. Please leave in the Parish Centre Hall.

Choral Concert with Shaun Ryan in Kilclooney Chapel on Monday 16th December beginning at 7.00pm.

Donegal GAP Heritage & History Group 2024 AGM in the Parish Centre this Sunday 15th December at 12 noon.

Trocaire Christmas Gifts

These gifts will bring life and joy to many in the developing world and vary in price. Available from Fr Aodhán. See

Parish Envelopes for Sunday 8th December €1580.00

Thank you for your generous contribution
