Church of the Holy Family Newsletter – Sun. 5th June 2022

Daily and weekend Masses at the usual times

Anniversary and Memorial Masses this Week

Monday 10.00am: Ned and Mary O’Rourke.

Monday 7.30pm: Month’s Mind of Frankie Brennan.

Tuesday at 10.00am: John Devenney.

Wednesday at 7.30pm: Charlie and Mary Mooney.

Friday at 7.30pm: Hugh and Rose Ellen Ward.

Saturday at 11.00am: Deceased members of the McGill family Meentnashask.

Saturday at 7.30pm: Peter and Thomas Maguire.


The Feast of Pentecost is the feast that reminds us of the foundation of the Church in which we are all members since the day of Baptism.

It is also the feast that reminds us of our Confirmation, the day when we received the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the gifts of Wisdom and Understanding and Knowledge and Right Judgement and Reverence and Fear of the Lord and Courage. And maybe the gift that we need to latch on to most of all is the gift of Wisdom.

There is little point in having courage and power and strength if we haven’t the wisdom to know the difference between what the Lord is saying to us in His Word and what we think He should be saying to us, and that’s where wisdom is needed.

So let us pray on this great feast of the foundation of the Church for the wisdom to follow the real Christ in our lives.

The Dead

We pray for: Mary and Ned O’Rourke; John Devenney; Charlie and Mary Mooney; Hugh and Rose Ellen Ward; Peter and Thomas Maguire; whose anniversaries occur.

For the deceased members of the McGill family and for Frankie Brennan, whose Month’s Mind Mass will be celebrated on Monday evening at 7.30pm.

May they rest in peace. Amen.
