Church of the Holy Family Newsletter: Sun. 5th Feb. ’23

Very Rev. Aodhan Cannon, PP.

Rev. Philip Daly, CC Kilclooney

Very Rev. Dean Austin Laverty, PE

Masses can be viewed on the Church webcams at MCN Media.

Daily and weekend Masses at the usual times.

Confession will be available after the 11 o’clock Mass on Saturday.

Anniversary and Memorial Masses

Saturday 7.30pm: Nan & Tom Concarr; Thady & Susan Gallagher, Phelim Gallagher, Common.

Sunday 9.00am: Priest’s Intention.

Sunday 11.00am: Missa Pro Populo.

Monday 10.00am: Charles Anthony McNelis.

Tuesday 10.00am: Eithne & John McShane & Family, Tullycleave.

Wednesday 7.30pm: Carmel Maloney.

Thursday 10.00am: Cunningham Family, Killystewart.

Friday 7.30pm: Teresa & Francie Gallagher; Charlie & Sarah Coyle.

Saturday 11.00am: Arthur Godman.

Saturday 7.30pm: Peter Cunningham, Loughros Point; Teresa & Joe Gildea, Crumlin.

Sunday 9.00am: Priest’s Intention.

Sunday 11.00am: Missa Pro Populo.

Parish Contributions

Parish contribution for Sunday 29th January: €1884.00.

Thank you for your generous contribution.

Parish Envelopes

Thank you to all those who use their parish envelopes. Some of you may wish to set up a direct debit or standing order. Here are the details:

Ardara Parish A/C

IBAN: IE83BOFI90490793978859

Parish Pastoral Council

Jim Deeds will lead us in training on Thursday 16th February at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Parish Centre, Donegal Town. All are welcome.

The Catechism in a Year

Join Bishop Alan Mc Guckian and Fr. Mike Schmitz on a wonderful 365-day journey in learning about the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Visit

Holy Family Prayer Group

Meets on Wednesdays at 8.00pm in the Parish Centre. All welcome.

Donegal Pilgrimage to Fatima

9th -14th June for Feast of St. Anthony. Contact James Treacy 061921470.

Ardara Cardiac First Responders

Are having an information meeting in the Parish Centre on Wednesday 8th February at 8.00pm. If you are interested in learning critical life saving skills please come along.

Ardara ICA

Next meeting on Wednesday 8th February at 7.30pm in St. Shanaghan House. New members always welcome.
