Church of the Holy Family Newsletter: Sun. 29th September. ’24

Very Rev. Aodhan Cannon, P.P.
074-95 41135 / 087 4758009
Rev. Philip Daly, CC Kilclooney
Very Rev. Dean Austin Laverty, PE

Daily and weekend Masses at the usual times.

Anniversary and Memorial Masses as follow

Saturday 7.30pm ………. Packie Mc Ginley, Hillhead
Bridie Byrne, Main St. Una Sweeney & Molly Mc Cracken
Sunday 9.00am ………… Priest’s Intention
Sunday 11.00am ………… Missa Pro Populo (For the people)
Monday at 10.00am…… Priest’s Intention
Tuesday at 10.00am ……… … Mary & Con Gildea, Glenconwell; Rita & Alan Garrett
Wednesday at 7.30pm …… Cassie, Patrick 7 Phelim Mc Gill, Largyseeragh
Thursday at 10.00am…… Priest’s Intention
Friday at 10.00am…… Priest’s Intention
Friday at 7.30pm……… Priest’s Intention
Saturday at 11.00am……. Maggie Mc Gill, Aighe Bridge
Saturday 7.30pm … Packie John Breslin, Cronkeerin & Deceased Family

Recent Deaths

John Gallagher, West End
Sheila O’Donnell, Dublin & Dungloe

Month’s Mind
Bridie Byrne, Main St

Paddy Carr, Glenconwell
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord.

First Friday

The sick and the housebound will be visited as usual on the First Friday, 4th October.

Donegal Hospice Annual Remembrance Service

Church of the Irish Martyrs, Letterkenny on Sunday 29th September at 2.30pm.

Parent & Toddler Group

Meet every Monday from 10.30am until 12n in the Parish Centre.


The Annual Prayers for the dead will take place in Kilcashel on Sunday 6th October at 3.00pm.

October Devotions

Starting Sunday 6th at 7. 30pm with rosary and benediction.

Men’s Rosary

Knock Saturday 5th October at 1.00pm.

Relics of St Bernadette of Lourdes will visit the Cathedral in Letterkenny on the 11th – 13th October. Help is needed as stewards, hospitality and Holy Hours. For more details contact Parochial House, Letterkenny on 074 9121021.

Parish Envelopes for Sunday 22nd September €2184.00

Thank you for your generous contribution
