Church of the Holy Family Newsletter: Sun. 18th August. ’24

Very Rev. Aodhan Cannon, P.P.
074-95 41135 / 087 4758009
Rev. Philip Daly, CC Kilclooney
Very Rev. Dean Austin Laverty, PE

Daily and weekend Masses at the usual times.

Anniversary and Memorial Masses as follow

Saturday 7.30pm ………. Hugh Diver, Mintinedea Sunday
9.00am ………… Priest’s Intention
Sunday 11.00am ………… Priest’s Intention
Monday at 10.00am…… Deceased Mc Hugh Family, Beagh
Tuesday at 10.00am ……… ………… Paddy Breslin & Deceased Family, Burkestown
Wednesday at 7.30pm …… Deceased Mc Gill Family, Cashel
Thursday at 10.00am…… Neil & Bella Craig, Tullycleave
Friday at 7.30pm……… Patrick & Mary Gallagher, Cloughbouy
Saturday at 11.00am……. Priest’s Intention
Saturday 7.30pm … Evelyn O’ Byrne, & Deceased Family, Portnoo Rd.
Sylvester Mulhern, Loughros Point

Recent Deaths

Liam Morrow, Kilraine
Archbishop Noel Treanor, Brussells & Monaghan
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord

Spanish Armada Re-enactment (1588) Walk from Rosbeg to Killybegs on Sunday 18th August. Further info and booking: or 087 9214206

Tax Back

The Parish can receive tax back from Revenue if you are contributing a minimum of €250.00 per annum. Even if you signed this form a number of years ago, it is necessary to do it again now. Please pick up a form in the chapel and return it to the box on the table.

Irish Men’s Rosary

Saturday 7th September in the Market Square, Letterkenny at 1.00pm.


National pilgrimage to Knock takes place on Saturday 7th September. Bus leaving Donegal Town. To book a seat contact Clare on 087 1375567.

Parish Envelopes for Sunday 11th August €2024.00
Thank you for your generous contribution
