Church webcam link: mcnmedia.tv/camera/church-of-the-holy-family-ardara
Anniversary Masses This Coming Week
Wednesday 15th at 7.30pm | Gerry McLaughlin |
Daily Masses
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday at 10.00am
Wednesday & Friday at 7.30pm
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 11.00am
Vigil Mass Saturday: 7.30pm
Sunday: 9.00am and 11.00am
Any person wishing to join the Pioneer Association:
A member of the Association will be at the porch beside the sacristy after the Masses for the next two weekends. You could also apply by giving in your name to the priest.
Young people who joined as juveniles may now be qualified to go the the next stage and become Junior Pioneers at 12 years of age. You may become a full member of the association at 18. It’s worth thinking about.
This Sunday is Irish Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock
Pope Benedict’s Prayer for Grandparents
Lord Jesus,
You were born of the Virgin Mary,
the daughter of Saints Joachim and Anne.
Look with love on grandparents the world over.
Protect them!
They are a source of enrichment
for families, for the Church and for all of society.
Support them as they grow older,
may they continue to be for their families
strong pillars of Gospel faith,
guardians of noble domestic ideals,
living treasuries of sound religious traditions.
Make them teachers of wisdom and courage,
that they may pass on, to future generations the fruits
of their mature human and spiritual experience.
Lord Jesus,
help families and society
to value the presence and roles of grandparents.
May they never be ignored or excluded,
but always encounter respect and love.
Help them to live serenely and to feel welcomed
in all the years of life which You give them.
Mary, Mother of all the living,
keep grandparents constantly in your care,
accompany them on their earthly pilgrimage,
and by your prayers, grant that all families
may one day be reunited in our heavenly homeland,
where you await all humanity
for the great embrace of live without end. Amen.
May we wish all grandparents a very pleasant weekend.