Bonnyglen Looped Walk 🌳
The Dolmen Centre are delighted to announce the completion of the above works which were carried out on behalf of Coillte in the last few weeks. This has involved a considerable amount of effort in liaising with the County Council and Coillte over the years, to facilitate the 4.2km looped walk at Bonnyglen, Clooney, Portnoo. The surface is now of a quality that walkers of all abilities are facilitated. Furthermore, there are a number of “side trails” that veer off the main path and these take you to some special viewing points that look both down into the valley and over it towards the Gweebarra and back towards Portnoo.
The Dolmen Centre would like to take this opportunity to thank Neil Browne of Coillte for helping create this looped walk several years ago and to Donegal Co. Co. for providing the access on the Windmill/Bog road. Thanks also to Cllr. Anthony Molloy who liaised with the Council on our behalf.
The works were delivered by Coillte through a Neighbourhood Scheme which was funded by the Dept. of Agriculture (Forest Service) and particular thanks must go to Declan Meehan (Coillte) who supervised the works.

So, if you’re looking for another local excursion to let the kids off, one that’s sheltered and has pleasant vistas, or just want some fresh air, then give Bonnyglen a visit. You won’t be disappointed!
Bat Walk 🦇
The Bat Walk with Micheal Bell returns Wednesday 25th October at 7pm leaving from the Heritage Centre. Join nature learn’s Michael Bell as we walk Drumbarron and Ardara wood in search of Ardara’s bat population with bat detectors and learn about our native species in the town.

Duchas calling 
The deadline for Duchas submissions is fast approaching. Get your articles in before the end of the month!
Send your pieces to or leave in Divers newsagents for collection.
Halloween Book Launch:
Night of Music, Fairy & Ghost Stories in Honour of Jimmy O’Rourke
Donegal author and storyteller, Keith Corcoran will be launching his new book Finding Fairy Mysteries in Donegal; Close Encounters with the Wee Folk in The Corner House, Ardara on Monday 30th October at 7.30pm. This unique cultural evening will be an opportunity to pick up a personally signed copy of this new collection of fairy-related stories which early reviewers have described as “original”, “magical” and “compelling”.
Keith’s new book features 62 stories collected from throughout County Donegal and is based on 4 years of exhaustive research and investigating story leads. The result is a renewed collection of historically connected fairy stories to enhance our rich folklore tradition. Some of the stories are guaranteed to mystify, others entertain, while some might even genuinely spook you! One thing is for sure, you will never think about our mysterious and ancient fairy folklore in quite the same way again.
As with Keith’s previous book Historical Mysteries and Legends of Donegal, Ardara and surrounding districts of Southwest Donegal feature strongly in the new ground-breaking collection.
One of the feature story’s in the new book is Darby O’Gill’s Ardara Origins and what better way to honour Jimmy O’Rourke’s special connection to this real life wonder tale than to have a night of traditional music and fairy/ghost storytelling in his honour. This event will feature a host of local characters.
If you’d like to experience or participate in this evening, then get yourself down to The Corner House on the eve of Halloween night. Beidh fáilte mór romhat.