Friday 2nd August 2019
2.30pm-5.00pm: The Opening of the Festival

Saturday 3rd August 2019
All Day: Historical EncampmentHistorical re-enactment at a 16th century encampment in the Town Car Park. Ardara Mens Shed members will join the camp, demonstrating traditional crafts. 9.00am: Wild Atlantic Walk – Port to Maghera
9.30am: Walk in the Footsteps of the Spanish Armada
Spanish Armada, Donegal, 1588 – 2019, La Duquesa Santa Ana re-enactment walk.
Phase 1 across Seskinmore, Phase 2 Roechrow Road to Killybegs.Booking is essential as all participants will be transported by bus to the start and from the finish of the walk. Spaces are limited. Register by 31st July to secure your place by emailing or text to 087-9214206 with your name, email address, mobile number and number of people attending.Donegal G.A.P. Heritage and History Group had a very successful Spanish Armada workshop with local schools in May of this year. 3.00pm: Live Music on the Diamond

Change of date & time: 5.30pm: Duck Racing on the Owentocker
The Loughros Point Rowing Club fundraiser. Please support this great organisation. Ducks on sale from 4.30pm at the bridge. Contact Teresa 087 9159351
All Day: Bart Whelan Photographic Exhibition in the Heritage Centre Great selection of music in the town nightly
Meet & Greet at Ardhill House. All welcome
Sunday 4th August, 2019
2.30pm: The Annual Blessing of the Graves at the Catholic Church Grounds 3.30pm: Coffee Corner at Ardhill House 4.00pm: Street Music on the Diamond All Day: Bart Whelan Photographic Exhibition in the Heritage Centre Great selection of music in town nightly
8.00pm: Dancing at the Crossroads on the DiamondJoin Clement Gallagher and Friends for a night of fun as they go back in time with a Ceili on the Street Big Country Dance with “Hard to Beat” in TownOut the back of the Corner House. Great event and admission is free
11.00am-4.00pm: Basketmaking Workshop & Spinning display in the Heritage CentreTwo day event continuing ThursdayPhone Colm for more information: 087-3222910 2.00pm: Meet and Greet at St. Shanaghan HouseWe are all warmly welcomed by Tadgh and staff for a special afternoon at St. Shanaghan House. Also there will be a talk on Horticulture as well as a demonstration of various dances for relaxation and much more. For more information contact Tadgh 083-1666634 3.00pm: Live Street Music on the Diamond All Day: Bart Whelan Photographic Exhibition in the Heritage Centre All Day: See the Skill of Weaving and Spinning at Molloy’s on the Killybegs Road Great selection of Music in town nightly
All Day: Visit to Stephen Bennetts Art Gallery at CarnOur most famous Artist Stephen Bennett is available at all times to show his large array of Artwork 2.00pm: Walk to MoaghMeet at the Catholic Church Car Park for this casual walk – All welcome Music in most venues in town
Monday 5th August, 2019.
11.00am: Out and About Artists GroupEveryone welcome for a great day out painting. Meet at the Heritage Centre.Phone Colm for more information: 087-3222910 2.00pm: A 6Km Walk Along the Town TrailStarting at the Catholic Church. Duration approx 1 hour 4.00pm: Live Music on the Diamond All Day: Bart Whelan Photographic Exhibition in the Heritage Centre
Tuesday 6th August, 2019.

Wednesday 7th August, 2019.
11.00am: Bus Tour of Donegal 12.00pm: Film on the Beauty of Donegal in the Heritage CentreApproximately 15 mins All Day: Bart Whelan Photographic Exhibition in the Heritage Centre 9.30pm: Big Band Sound in Town Great selection of Music in town nightlyThursday 8th August 2019
2.00pm: A Special EventWill be confirmed closer to the time 3.00pm: Live Street Music 4.00pm: Bart Whelan Lecture on his display of photographs in the Heritage Centre 7.30pm: The Fifty Niners Get TogetherIf you are 60 this year or you were part of the Classes of 1971 and 1972 in the Comprehensive School, you are so welcome to join us for a wee get together and a few surprises in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel. Please confirm booking or details with Stephen on 087-2424590 Great selection of Music in townFriday 9th August 2019

Saturday 10th August, 2019

All Day: Annual Ardara Agricultural Show in Sandfield
Visit the Ardara Show page for more info 4.00pm: Street Music on the Diamond Great Music in the Pubs in the town to celebrate Show Day