Forewarned – The First Big Event of 2017 –
The Country and Western Festival
20th – 22nd January 2017
- This event this time promises to be a truly great event with so much organised.
- Entertainment in many venues in town in the afternoon and nightly.
- Top line dancers from home and further afield will give a dancing exhibition.
- Jiving classes on Saturday afternoon.
- All pubs will change their name so don’t be surprised to see Tootises or Las Chance Saloon up in lights for this weekend.
- Top country stars in town Friday 20th – Robert Mizzel, Saturday 21st – Patrick Feeney, Sunday 22nd – Afternoon dance with popular local band Rambling Fever. Don’t miss this weekend of fun and craic during the Ardara Country and Western Festival from January 20th to 22nd.
- Special rates on accommodation at the Nesbitt Arms Hotel 074-95 41103.