A message from Paul’s loving wife Julie
We had the best news ever !! Paul’s bone marrow is starting to produce new stem cells. The treatment has worked !!! Paul is out of immediate danger and we’ll be coming home to start the long road to recovery.This has been the most incredible journey, the hardest thing Paul and I have ever done and hopefully ever will again. But today we can start to look forward to a future, instead of worrying what it might hold.Paul’s neurologist didn’t want Paul to have this treatment , as it was too high risk for his level of MS, in fact he told us to prepare for Paul to come home in a 6×4 box !!!! We had to convince the doctors out here to allow Paul to have the treatment, as again he was high risk, but Paul had decided no matter how high the risk, it was one he was willing to take instead of being scared what tomorrow might bring, how bad the MS was going to get.Now we know that we have about another 10 years without having those worries, yes Paul won’t walk again and yes Paul’s MS won’t improve but it will STOP IT for 10 years, and we can’t even put into words what that means to us.People think MS is about the legs, Paul can’t walk, he’s in a wheelchair, but it’s about so much more than that; the things no one could imagine, the things that go on behind closed doors. MS has robed us of many many things. The ability for Paul to kick a ball around with our kids when they were young, to go for a walk on the beach with them, to walk upstairs in our home to tuck them into bed, to dance with me !! But we won’t let it take anymore things away from us !!! We now have a future filled with hope instead of dread , and we couldn’t have done that without you guys, you made this possible for us. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS ️

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