Sunday the 1st of January 2017
A great crowd braved the cold Northerly wind on Sunday last to take part in the annual New Year’s Day Swim (or ‘Jersey Dip’, as it was termed this year).Approximately 250 hardy souls, entered the cold atlantic waters, at low tide with various assortment of Soccer clubs, Donegal & Ardara jerseys on show. The Judges decided that the Ardara club had the most representation in the water on the day, and they now avail of the prize of 3 months free Astro-Turf rental at the Dolmen Centre.At time of print (and with some monies still to be collected), close to €3,500 had been raised by the Swim, and this is to be shared by the Downstrands Family Resource and the Dolmen Centre.Many thanks to all those who took part, be they Swimmers, Contributors, Stewards, Supporters and of course the Coastguard who ensured everyone’s safe participation. All played their part in what is a wonderful annual event.