Local news – update

DuchasThe publication of the community magazine Duchas was a great success this Christmas, and proved very popular in the area particularly with the wider inclusion of the Glenties, Portnoo, Killybegs, Ardara and attached areas.There are still copies available in some shops, and at the Ardara Heritage Centre. We are preparing for the next edition and already a number of articles have been submitted. If you feel the artistic juices welling up, please get in contact with the editorial team as everyone is so welcome to submit an article, maximum 1000 words and relevant to the region to duchas2016@gmail.comAdvertising with ardara.ie Ardara.ie is welcome to adverts for any businesses or concerns who feel our broad readership would benefit their trade. Fees can be negotiated depending on requirement, just get in contact via info@ardara.ie
Check out some of our sponsors:
Atlantic Lodge
The bed and breakfast offers a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom with continental breakfast.
Beagh Farm Cottage
Beagh Farm Cottage nestles in a sheltered position off a private lane. It is less than 5 minutes from the heritage town of Ardara and 10 mins from the beaches…