Local News

Vincent (Aun) Gallagher, Wife DiesFamous Donegal and Ardara man Vincent (Aun) said goodbye to his lovely wife Vera on Wednesday December 14th after an extended sickness. Indeed like everything Vincent does, he cared lovingly for Vera, particularly in the past few years as her health deteriorated. Vincent and Vera have lived in Philadelphia for many years. Of course as a singer and radio presenter, Vicent from Loughros Point is well known. Vincent is a regular visitor to Ardara and the sympathy of the community is extended to him and his family at this sad time.


The End of an Era in Brackey

On Thursday December 15th, Big Andy was buried. If there was ever a gentleman, Andy Mc Neilis was that man. Sadly one of the great houses of Ardara is closed now with his death. Andys of Brackey was a famous house, a house where everyone was welcome at anytime. One of the first televisions to enter the parish came to Andys and many a person saw their first all Ireland in Andys. The house was also famous as the Florist when Paddy ran a thriving business from there, ably assisted by Andy and Cornie. Andys was the house of cards. Many a year there were cards in Andys seven nights a week, but you had to be good at the cards to be there, not the choice of the Mc Neilis boys. Things changed a lot as death took its toll on the Mc Neilis household with Cornie and Bridget dying in 1996 and Nora in 2001, and then Paddy in 2007. The house was then in the charge of Andy and many a wonderful and funny morning was spent there with Anthony Joseph, Paddy Phil, Andy and to upset everything wee Tommy Gallagher. The issues of not only Ardara or Donegal were discussed and sorted but world issues too got a hearing in Andys on those famous mornings all ably chaired by Andy. Many lovely things have been said about Andy in the last few days, but the main ones being he was a truly lovely gentleman, a wonderful worker, a great neighbour, great sense of wit and a very handsome man in his day. Sadly it is the end of an era in Brackey. Sympathy of the community to all his friends, neighbours and relations but especially Paddy Phil who cared so well for him and to Mary Rose both his first cousins and to Mary and Billy and Pat his niece and nephews in the USA.




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