Local news

A great night last night in the hotel. A huge crowd were at the Robert Mizell Dance in the hotel, and a great reaction to the event all morning.Today Saturday, a wonderful workshop in Line dancing takes place in the hotel at 3pm, everyone is most welcome as this event is run in conjunction with dance instructor from the south of Ireland so should be a great opportunity for locals to see what happens elsewhere, then at 6pm there is a jiving class in the hotel too.At 9pm tonight there is a big line dance in the heritage centre with dancers from all over the country here .Anyone with an interest in this dance is welcome to come along.Tonight there will be music in most local pubs from 9:30pm onwards and then top country star Stephen Smyth will be the main attraction in the hotel where no doubt he will be playing his big hit with the song “Boy from Donegal”General informationSunday 31 January there will be St Bridget Cross Making in Parish CentreUdaras Na Gaeltachta apprentice scheme scholarships application forms available call 091503139 or 091503121James Mc Brearty longtime county councillor from Bogagh, Carrick was buried on Friday. James was a great friend of Ardara, his wife coming from Owentishnea area of the parish

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The Barn at Ardhill

This 2-bedroom holiday home has a living room with TV, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, towels and bed linen, and a children’s playground. See Booking.com listing. Call Joe on 086 8694119…

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