Keep Yer Hands to Yerself

Announcing the “Keep Yer Hands to Yerself” Festival 2021

By Donna Harkin

It turns out that the Matchmaking Festival will NOT be running this year, and yes, you’ve guessed it, we’re having a ‘Not the Matchmaking Festival’ festival, and we’re calling it the “Keep Yer Hands to Yerself” festival.

It will take place from Friday 19th until Sunday 21st November.

Instead of wearing green, amber or red stickers for availability, it’ll be red all the way, because you might have covid, ya durty yoke.

We’re inviting trad musicians from all over Ireland and beyond (single, married or otherwise, it’s no odds) to come and play tunes, have the craic and go to bed at a sensible time, alone.

We’ll have a host of non-activities including the crowning of the session king and queen, with a prize of breakfast for one and maybe a few pitying glances.

The best news is that it’s gonna be wall-to-wall trad, but socially distanced of course – you need to leave room for the holy ghost between ye – and the only ‘other half’ you’re allowed is the second part of the tune you’re playing.

So blow the cobwebs off your instrument, but leave them anywhere else they may have grown – it’s not going to be THAT sort of weekend – I’ll be keeping an eye on ye!


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