Information Release: Cllr. Molloy

Councillor Molloy has made a number of representations to the Donegal County Council and has received the following replies: 

Carrickacleave Road

Councillor Molloy strongly pressed for the road to be repaired as an urgent priority.The reply from the Roads Manager was: This road is on the works programme for sometime but Irish Water are planning a major water piping project on that road. The roads manager wants the pipe laying and repair of the road to be done at the same time. The Council and Irish Water are negotiating to get agreement to have both projects done at the same time. 

Traffic Calming at Scoil Mhuire

Councillor Molloy has asked the Road Manager to urgently address the issue of Traffic Calming at Scoil Mhuire, Hillhead, Ardara, and to deal with the issue of a restriction on the footpath opposite the school.The Roads Manager advised that both issues are being looked at as a matter of priority with the TII. 

Loughross Point Water Scheme

Councillor Molloy asked for an update on the take over of Loughross Point water Scheme.He was informed that the Scheme was at Priority 3. He asked that it be moved as soon as possible to Priority 1 and he was informed that issues relating to documentation was a factor in it being Priority 3. Councillor Molloy has been in contact with Group Scheme representatives to get the relevant documentation dealt with. 

Kennaughty to Ballyganny Road

Councillor Anthony Molloy enquired when the area from Kennaughty to Ballyganny Road would be tarred as a lot of pot holes were appearing there.Councillor Molloy was advised that the contractor appointed was ready to start but permission had to be sought to close the road in order for the work to be done. This permission is presently being sought and hopefully the work will start in the next couple of weeks but the road will be closed during working hours in order to complete. 

Lights Project on the Narin Road

Councillor Molloy has requested a site meeting with the Roads Engineer to ensure the completion of the Lights Project on the Narin Road which was initiated by former Councillor Terence Slowey. Councillor Molloy also asked the Engineer to accompany him to view other projects in the area that need attention. 


Councillor Molloy asked for updates on other roads and got the following reply:The Glenconwell road is on the 2020 Roads Programme but Councillor Molloy pleaded that emergency works take place now to alleviate the situation there. The works on the N56 Ardara Town Road was near completion and it is hoped to start works on the N56 Road at Stragar shortly. Councillor Molloy was informed that the Road from Triona Design to St Shanaghan House was not a Council Road. He enquired about a lot of manholes in Glenties/Ardara needing repair that they were a danger to people and traffic. He has been informed that Irish Water has appointed a Contractor who is to carry out repairs immediately. 

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