Ardara has once again entered the Tidy Towns competition and we need a great effort from everyone in helping make our town look good.It would be so important if owners of property in the town painted the outside of their premises. It would be very much appreciated and would make a huge difference.The Tidy Towns competition involves participating areas being rated on all aspects of their local environment and prizes awarded to the best under many different categories. The overall winner is “Ireland’s Tidiest Town”, which is announced at a national ceremony in September each year.
North Atlantic Drift “Crossing to Ireland” Tour
Dan MacDonald, Brian Taheny and Ross Griffiths are bringing their trio, North Atlantic Drift over to Ireland for a short tour. Beginning in Donegal, they will be performing at the Cup of Tae Festival from May 3rd to 6th.
Their music is outstanding… reels and jigs exceptionally well played… ringing fiddle harmonies and crisp ornamentation. They cover all the bases from Edinburgh to Ennis, Cape Breton to Cumberland Gap.”
Folkworld #61
Don’t forget this Sunday 28th is our annual 5K in memory of the lovely Tina Maguire. We hope to see you all turning out for a wonderful cause.This run/walk begins from the Parish Centre at 1.30pm with registrations from 12 noon.There will be prizes in all categories. Refreshments will be served afterwards in the Parish Centre. Chip Timing will be in operation. Participants are asked to wear their brightest colours to reflect Martina’s bubbly and fun personality.Visit the Facebook Page to keep up to date.Adults €8, Student €5, Family €20
Ardara Camera Club
The monthly Camera Club meeting takes place this evening in the Heritage Centre.Monthly club meetings continue upstairs in the Heritage Centre Ardara from 7.30pm to 9 30pm on the last Friday of the month. €5 Per month. Refreshments provided. Ring Sue on 0860773359 or email for further details. Everyone welcome.
Out and About Art Workshop
The Ardara Out and About Painters Group will meet once a fortnight at the Heritage Centre on Sundays at 11am, with the next outing taking place on Sunday 12th May.Tutors are Aidan McCole and Colm Sweeney.Visit the Ardara Artists Group Facebook PageFor more information or to take part contact: