Community Notices: Monday 22nd January, 2018


Belarus Appeal:  Items will be taken until the end of January for my annual Belarus Orphanages Appeal. In the last two weeks the response has been amazing as always. Items taken are nappies, children’s and adults’, toiletries, vital medications, adults’ and children’s clothes and shoes good quality, bedding/ blankets, linen, duvets, towels, shampoos, creams and calpol. Toys – we can only take soft toys teddy bears/jigsaws, colouring books, crayons/markers etc.. Prams or buggies etc. – we are having problems getting them through customs. Wheelchairs, walking aids  and crutches are accepted. We would welcome support from local businesses that would like to help out. Contact me Siobhan Mc Nelis on (087) 7463659 if you wish to donate any of the above, or a cash donation so that I can buy more supplies.  It would be very much appreciated. Thanks for all your help for the past 26 years.Country & Western Festival – The Country & Western weekend takes place this weekend: Friday 26th to Sunday 28th January. Top country bands in town for the weekend.  Jiving and line dancing on Saturday and lots of music in most pubs in town.  Join the atmosphere in Ardara with top star Robert Mizzell in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on the Friday night, Gerry Gutherie on the Saturday night and Sunday afternoon dancing at 4.00pm  For more information see or of the Aged: The chiropodist will be in the Day Centre, St Shanaghan House, Ardara on next Tuesday 30th January. Ardara Bluegrass Concert:  Ardara Bluegrass Committee presents a Gala Bluegrass Concert on Saturday 3rd February in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel at 8.30 pm.  The performance is by Greg Blake Bluegrass Band from the US who is currently on an Irish Tour.  He will be joined by Grammy Award Winners, John Reischman on Mandolin and Vocals, and Sally Van Meter on Dobra and Vocals; as well as Mark Schatz,  twice winner of The International Bluegrass Music Association Base Player of the Year on Bass, fiddle player Blain Sprouse and Keith Reid on Banjo and Vocals round off this amazing Band.  Admission €15.  Tickets can be purchased in advance by contacting the Hotel. (074) 95 41103.Ardara Community Childcare: Ardara Community Childcare are celebrating 10 years in the new building. We invite you to join us on Sunday the 4th February from 2pm-5pm, for a fun filled day of celebration. Refreshments will be served and everyone is welcome.Ardara has new and exciting Festival: “South of the Border” is the new Festival taking place on Valentine’s Weekend next year from 16th to 18th February.  This Festival incorporates the music of Jimmy Kennedy and the stories of Packie Manus Byrne.  There will be a Song Contest which is now open for entries.  See below for details on this.Song Contest:  Anyone wishing to enter the Song Contest during the “South of the Border” Festival during the weekend of 16th to 18th February, please get your entries in soon to the committee. Send an MP3 and lyrics to “Song Contest”, West End House, Ardara, Co. Donegal.   The Song Contest is for amateur song writers, i.e., people who have no composition recorded.  The prize for the winner is €1,000.00 and the inaugural scroll in the Jimmy Kennedy Song Contest. See festival page for more details and application form; Bank Service: Ulster Bank’s Community Banker, Eve Curran is holding drop in sessions every Monday 11 a.m. -1 p.m. at the Heritage Centre, and every Wednesday 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at St. Shanaghan House in Ardara.  She will be assisting with online banking, set up or queries, One to One Personal Financial Review, helping you plan your financial goals, Assisting with your individual account queries, products and services, Arranging one to one appointments if you prefer a home visit.  Eve can be contacted on (087) 1926529  Or  Please do avail of this service and call in. All welcome!Comedy Play “Stop It Nurse”: After last years’ very successful Comedy Play; “Widows Paradise”, it’s all systems go with a another comedy play; “Stop it Nurse” which is currently in rehearsals.  It involves all characters from the Ardara and Portnoo areas, mostly all of last years’ but with some new additional cast. It is extremely funny and will give you lots of laughs.  The play will be staged on Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February 2018 at 8 p.m. in the G.A.A. Clubhouse.  Tickets are priced at €10 and are on sale in Divers for each night of the Show.Art Classes:  Watercolours for Beginners Starting Monday 4th February 2018 Heritage Centre (upstairs) Fee: €60 Contact Colm: 087 322 2910 View pageJiving Classes:  Jiving Classes continue in the Heritage Centre every Thursday at 8.30 p.m.Oliver Boyle Memorial Card Drive: The annual Oliver Boyle Memorial 25 Card Drive takes place in the Corner House on Sunday 4th February at 8.30 p.m. Please take a moment –  Please take a moment to fill out the following short survey, which has been designed to help us gather relevant information on what makes your stay with us here in Ardara special and fulfilling.  We appreciate your support as we continue to grow and improve on these services, and your feedback is very important to us as a way to meet your future needs.   We look forward to seeing you all back with us again soon.  Please click on the following link to open the survey:

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Check out some of our sponsors:

The Barn at Ardhill

This 2-bedroom holiday home has a living room with TV, fully equipped kitchen, bathroom, towels and bed linen, and a children’s playground. See listing. Call Joe on 086 8694119…

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