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Community Notices for Tuesday 7th November, 2017.

Matchmaking Weekend: The Matchmaking Weekend is taking place this Fri Nov 10th to Sun November, 12th. A new committee is working hard and this years’ festival promises to be one of the best ever. This year the focus is very much on events in town and we hope all get involved in the fun of the occasion. Big Bands in town are: Jimmy Buckley on the Friday night and Jim Devine on the Saturday night. Amongst the many novelty games that will take place will include Blind Date, Traffic Lights & Speed Dating and some very interesting matchmakers will be in attendance.Remembrance Day Service: A Remembrance Day Service recalling the names of those from Ardara, Glenties, and immediate parishes who died during World War 1 will be held at St. Conal’s Church, Ardara, this Sunday.,November 12th, at 10.15 a.m. The names of those from local parishes who died during World War 11 will also be recalled during the service.Annual church dinner dance: This month’s annual church dinner dance in Ardara is believed to be the 30th since it was first introduced. The Reverend Robert Wray will be the fourth Minister to host the popular event which is being held in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on Friday November 24th at 8.30 p.m. With music by B & J Sound, the evening will include a giant raffle and spot prizes. Tickets are now available from church members. New Irish Dance Classes: New Irish Dance Classes continue to take place at the Heritage Centre every Wednesday at 8 p.m. The famous Irish Dance “The Maggie Pickie” will be taught by Joe. The classes begin at 8 p.m. and all are welcome.Jiving Classes: Jiving Classes for beginners and more experienced Jivers will take place in the Heritage Centre from 8.30 p.m. on Thursdays. Ulster Bank Information: Eve Curran, Community Banker for Ulster Bank will be holding two drop in clinics at the following locations in Ardara every week from Monday 11th November,. Monday from 11-1pm in the Heritage Centre, and Wednesday from 11-1pm in St. Shanaghan House, Ardara. She can be reached on eve.c.curran@ulsterbank.com or 087 1926529. The mobile Bank is due at the beginning of December and it is planned to visit Ardara on a Monday and a Wednesday every week. Xmas Lights: Switching on of the Christmas Lights is Sunday 3rd December.
Defibrillator Fundraiser for St Shanaghan House & Ardara: Teague McFadden, Residential Services Manager of the Ardara Sheltered Housing Association is running a Talent Showcase as a fundraiser to purchase a Defibrillator for Ardara. This event will be in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on Friday 17th November from 8:00pm. The Nesbitt Arms have very kindly donated their function suite for the night. This will include a rich variety of both local established and up and coming artists, and should be a really entertaining night for a great cause. Posters will be distributed shortly. They hope that you might be able to support us through the donation of a prize for a raffle/auction, a direct donation to the fund and of course purchasing tickets for what we hope will be a fabulous night. Given the vulnerability of our residents, it is our intention to site the defibrillator at the rear of St. Shanaghan House, but in a way that the whole of Ardara might have access through trained individuals, to an essential piece of life saving equipment. They are also looking at the establishment of a Cardiac First Responder network of trained volunteers within Ardara to ensure that we are really well prepared to respond to any cardiac difficulty. They have had an offer of free training already which is fantastic. Sympathy: The sympathy of the Community this week goes to the Heena family on the death of Philomena Craig, whose funeral took place on Sunday. Please take a moment – Please take a moment to fill out the following short survey, which has been designed to help us gather relevant information on what makes your stay with us here in Ardara special and fulfilling. We appreciate your support as we continue to grow and improve on these services, and your feedback is very important to us as a way to meet your future needs. We look forward to seeing you all back with us again soon. Please click on the following link to open the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Y2Y2DX2
Check out some of our sponsors:
Hillhead House B&B
B&B situated at Hillhead Ardara with four rooms available.Situated in a quiet area just 200m from the center of the village.To book contact Irene on 087 295 4920 Share: