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Community Notices 7th October, 2017

Set DancingA Beginner’s class in Set Dancing commenced on Monday last 2nd October, at 7.30pm in Heritage Centre, Ardara with Clement Gallagher instructor. This was followed by the usual class from 8.30 pm -10.30pm. Tea and home-bakes will be served at interval. This continues every Monday night. Admission is €5, so why not come along and enjoy this good social night and get some exercise as well. Defibrillator Fundraiser for St Shanaghan House & ArdaraTeague McFadden, Residential Services Manager of the Ardara Sheltered Housing Association is running a Talent Showcase as fundraiser to purchase a Defibrillator for Ardara. This will be in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on Friday 17th November from 8:00pm. The Nesbitt Arms have very kindly donated their function suite for the night. This will include a rich variety of local established and up and coming artists and should be a really entertaining night for a great cause. Posters will be distributed shortly. They hope that you might be able to support us through the donation of a prize for a raffle/auction, a direct donation to the fund and of course purchasing tickets for what we hope will be a fabulous night. Given the vulnerability of our residents, it is our intention to site the Defibrillator at the rear of St. Shanaghan House, but in a way that the whole of Ardara might have access through trained individuals to an essential piece of life saving equipment. They are also looking at the establishment of a Cardiac First Responder network of trained volunteers within Ardara to ensure that we are really well prepared to respond to any cardiac difficulty. They have had an offer of free training already which is fantastic. Duchas CallingDeadline is end of October for submissions for publishing .So if you have a story or a piece of memory or history please send to layoutduchas@gmail.com or to Duchas office at Westend House, Ardara SympathyThe sympathy of the community this week goes to Mary B Diver, Drimaha, on the death recently of her sister Rita in England.
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