Country & Western festival – The Country & Western weekend takes place on the weekend of Friday, 26th to Sunday, 28th January. Top country bands in town for the weekend. Jiving and line dancing on Saturday, and lots of music in most pubs in town. Join the atmosphere in Ardara with top star Robert Mizzell in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel on the Friday night, Gerry Gutherie on the Saturday night and Sunday afternoon dancing at 4.00pm For more information see Play “Stop It Nurse”: After last years’ very successful Comedy Play “Widows Paradise”, it’s all systems go with a another comedy play “Stop it Nurse” which is currently in rehearsals. It involves all characters from the Ardara and Portnoo areas; mostly all of last years’ cast, but with some new additional cast. It is extremely funny and will give you lots of laughs. The play will be staged on Friday 2nd, Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February 2018, at 8pm in the GAA Clubhouse. Tickets are priced at €10 and are on sale in Divers for each night of the Show.Ardara has new and exciting Festival: “South of the Border” is the new Festival taking place on Valentines Weekend this year from Friday, 16th to Sunday, 18th February. This Festival incorporates the music of Jimmy Kennedy and the stories of Packie Manus Byrne. There will be a Song Contest which is now open for entries. The Contest is for amateur song writers, i.e. people who have no competition recorded. The prize for the winner is €1,000.00 and the inaugural scroll in the Jimmy Kennedy Song Contest. More details will follow but anyone interested in competing in the Contest must send link to but also all details of this Festival can be found here.GAA Senior Board AGM: The Senior Board A.G.M. takes place in the Clubhouse on Sunday 21st January, 2017, at 2.30 pm. If you wish to be nominated for a position or wish to nominate someone else, send the nomination by email to on or before Sunday 14th January. If you are nominating someone else, please ensure that they have agreed with same.Jiving Classes: Jiving Classes will resume in the Heritage Centre this Thursday, 11th January at 8.30 pm.Oliver Boyle Memorial Card Drive: The annual Oliver Boyle Memorial 25 Card Drive takes place in the Corner House on Sunday, 4th February at 8 pm. Sympathy: The sympathy of the Community goes to the Gallagher Family Ard Conal on the death of Vincent Gallagher, the McHugh Family, Summy on the death of Jessica McHugh and the Freeburn Family on the death of Denise Freeburn.
Ladies clothing and footwear boutique. New arrivals daily and open Mon-Sat 10.30am – 6pm. Follow on Instagram for updates here. Contact: +353 74 954 1897 Share: