Community Notes 26th September, 2017

Doon Fort SurveysThe first ever geophysical, photogrammetry and topographic surveys will take place on Doon Fort from the 2nd to the 6th October. “Looking Beneath the Soil to See into the Past – Geophysical Prospection in Archaeology” A Wee Bit of Time Team Stuff! A public demonstration of the survey equipment and methodology will be given by Earthsound Archaeological Geophysics on Tuesday, 3rd October at 6.00pm. Meet at the Dolmen Centre, Kilclooney for a short walk. Walking shoes required. ‘The Warp and Weft of Heritage’ Weekend
Ardara GAP Heritage and Heritage Group are having their second Warp and Weft of Heritage Weekend from Friday the 13th to Sunday the 15th October. Brochures are now available from around the locality. 
Online booking for registration is now open and you can contact: or 087-921 4206 for full details.
Set Dancing
A Beginner’s class in Set Dancing will commence on Monday next 2nd October, at 7.30pm in Heritage Centre, Ardara with Clement Gallagher instructor.  This will be followed by the usual class from 8.30-10.30pm. Tea and home-bakes will be served at interval. Admission €5 so why not come along and enjoy this good social night and get some exercise as well.
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Lynda’s Boutique

Ladies clothing and footwear boutique. New arrivals daily and open Mon-Sat 10.30am – 6pm. Follow on Instagram for updates here. Contact: +353 74 954 1897 Share:

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