Ardara News Updates


Important Information from the Ardara Health Centre

We have made several adjustments to the running of our Health Centre to facilitate continued Health Care services during the Covid19 crisis. Please see below.If you are in need of medical assistance over the coming weeks, please ring the Health Centre on (074)9541134. A recorded message will direct you to our receptionist. Our receptionists are based at various locations so the number on this message will change from day to day. (Please do not phone these personal numbers outside of normal surgery hours, 9:30-12:30, 15:00-17:00, Monday to Friday, close 12:30 on Wednesdays) to free up phone time so that the receptionist can continue to answer calls during this busy time. After talking to the receptionist it is possible that the patient will be sent a form via text message from the Health Centre. Here they can give a brief description of their condition/requirements either before a video consultation, or, in relation to prescriptions/certificates.To minimise the risk of transmission and spread of Covid-19, all consultations with the doctor are now taking place over the phone until further notice. If you require medical assessment you need to be prepared to accept a phone/video consultation with the doctor. As will be outlined in the online form, The Health Centre is using the free application “ZOOM” for this procedure. Please download Zoom and register an account as this will enable the doctor to video call you from your home without delay when/if needed.Zoom for Android DevicesZoom for iPhone/iPadZoom for Desktop/laptopFor elderly relatives/neighbours, it is helpful if their designated carer can be in co-operation to facilitate this process. If this help is not available however they should still call the surgery on (074) 9541134 and the receptionist will organise an alternative that does not require a smartphone. Please do not come to the surgery unless asked to do so by the doctor or nurse.For out of hours ring Nowdoc: 1850 400 911. Remember that this is not a walk-in service. Although these changes may seem to complicate your access to medical care, please remember that they have been pieced together at very short notice by members of our staff so that we can continue to provide as many of our services to the community in a manner that is safe for all.Unfortunately, during this crisis a Health Centre is a high-risk area for contracting the virus and currently in Ireland 28% of the people who have contracted Covid19 are Healthcare workers. This is why we have to provide our services in a way that requires as little human contact as possible if we are to keep the surgery open. We appreciate your patience and co-operation during this time as we also try to adjust to the new system. Please keep in touch with neighbours and family and help them to keep up with safety guidelines during this tough time. We all play our part and this is a community crisis that we will overcome together.If you have any new symptoms or are worried about your health, please do not hesitate to contact us by ringing (074) 9541134.Please note, It is essential to have your PPSN number on hand when seeking medical attention during this time.PPS numbers are printed on the following documents: – Public Services Card – Social Services Card – Medical Card – GP visit card – European Health Insurance Card – Tax Assessment – PAYE Notice of Tax Credits – Temporary Payment Card – Drugs Payment Scheme Card 

HSE Guidance and Resources for Disability Services

COVID-19 Guidance is now available for staff and carers who provide services to people with disabilities. This guidance will ensure that staff and carers are fully aware of the steps they need to take during the outbreak.  All of the materials are available to download here.The HSE convened a group made up of representatives of the voluntary sector disability service providers to develop disability specific guidance and resources.  These are in line with nationally approved guidance issued by the HSE and the Health Protection Surveillance Centre. Where necessary, guidance has been reviewed by clinical leads and approved by the HSE’s Vulnerable Person’s Group, convened to lead the response to the needs of vulnerable people during this pandemic. 

COVID-19 Public Information Booklet

The COVID-19 Information Booklet will be delivered to all households. The booklet can also be downloaded here (PDF).An audio version of the booklet, and information in various languages are available on the HSE website

The Easy Read version of the COVID-19 Public Information Booklet

The Easy Read version of the COVID-19 Public Information Booklet will help those who sometimes find content hard to read, understand or act on. The Easy Read is also available to download here along with the original information guide which has been translated into many languages and is available as an audio guide.You can also order hard copies of the Easy Read version on if you click into “Order Publications”. 

Public Health Information

The HSE is currently using and making further updated TV, radio and other forms of advertising for public health information on Coronavirus. For the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to:  and 

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Lynda’s Boutique

Ladies clothing and footwear boutique. New arrivals daily and open Mon-Sat 10.30am – 6pm. Follow on Instagram for updates here. Contact: +353 74 954 1897 Share:

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