Ardara news Feb. 15th

Ardara Community Childcare Ltd:
Will be hosting an open day on Saturday, 27th February, from 10 to 2pm, parents who plan on using the service from September 2016 should attend. If your child is not already registered we ask that you get registration information on the day, as we are now accommodating the second free pre-school year, we need to know in advance what our numbers are going to be for September. If you are not in a position to attend this open day please ring and let us know your requirements on 074 9537744 as we want to be able to accommodate all requests. We are a full day care facility open from 8am to 5.30pm Mon – Fri, 51 weeks per year.GAA Registration Night:
The Ardara GAA Club are holding a night for Membership for the coming year in the Clubhouse this Saturday evening 20th February from 8.30 to 9.30pm. Membership for all players Adults and Juvenile and also any others who wish to become members can do so on the night. New members are most welcome. Adult: €30 & Juvenile €10.St Patricks Parade:
The Parade this year will take place on Sunday 20th March and we ask all to put their thinking hats on for ideas for the Floats. Floats from everywhere are most welcome and all the usual Marching Bands are booked. Once again it promises to be a great day. A Grand Marshall has been selected and also a new St. Patrick takes up duty.St Patricks Walking Festival:
The Committee have organised all the Walks for the St. Patricks weekend. Again this year some very interesting and challenging walks are planned. For more information, contact John Damian, on 087 6655828 or by email johngallagher3369 Book early especially for both the Port to Maghera Walk, and also the Glengesh to Granny Walk.Drama:
26th February is not just Election Day it is also the first night of Glenties Drama Group’s production of the comedy ‘Widow’s Paradise’ by Sam Cree so come along 26th/27th February to the Community Centre at 8.30 for a night of fun and laughter for all the family.Church Of Ireland:
The annual Church of Ireland Dance will be held in Elliott’s Bar, Leitir, on Saturday 27th February. Music by George Bustard. Come along for a good nights craic.Community Centre:
The long standing problem with the roof has been resolved to the satisfaction of all. Also a new Industrial Treadmill will be installed this week. We thank Noleen and Paul for all their efforts in the Centre over the past year, and we welcome Adrian as a new Supervisor there.
Check out some of our sponsors:
Hillhead House B&B
B&B situated at Hillhead Ardara with four rooms available.Situated in a quiet area just 200m from the center of the village.To book contact Irene on 087 295 4920 Share:
Atlantic Lodge
The bed and breakfast offers a flat-screen TV and a private bathroom with continental breakfast.