Slowey but Surely Charity Cycle

Each year since the death of Margaret Slowey her husband Gerard and the family have organised a barbecue in her honour to raise money for cancer and a local charity. That began in 2009 when Margaret died. Sadly, Gerard passed away in December, 2016 and since then the children Aine, Mairead and Anthony have taken on the mantle to continue to raise funds at their annual BBQ in August each year.
With the Covid-19 virus affecting things this year a BBQ is not a viable possibility. Being the creative family they are they decided to prepare and train to do “The Slowey but Surely Charity Cycle”. This Cycle takes place from Maynooth on this Friday 11th September and finishes in Ardara on Saturday 12th September.
This year the proceeds from the fundraiser will be shared between Cancer Care West and the Kevin Bell Repatriation Fund. This is a charity that has helped repatriate the remains of a number of young people in our area in recent years and is particularly important to Mairead who lost one of her best friends abroad in the past couple of years.
The cyclists plan to be in Ardara at approximately 4.30pm on Saturday 12th September. There will be collection boxes on hand for anyone to donate as they arrive into Ardara. You can also donate to gofundme/Sloweybutsurelycharitycycle. We hope a good crowd will turn out to support them and welcome them into Ardara.
Duchas Calling
As we head into Autumn and come to terms with our new world, I’m sure people have many stories and experiences of the lockdown. We in the Duchas Magazine want to hear your stories or indeed any stories or thoughts you might have. The Christmas edition of the magazine is being prepared so if you have any items for inclusion in the magazine please forward them to or deliver to the Duchas office at West End House, Ardara, Co. Donegal.
Summer Visitors
Ardara experienced a huge number of visitors this summer and self-catering was in big demand. The Ardara tourist office dealt with many visitors and received good reports, particularly on self catering, with pricing ranging from €400 per week for three bedroom houses and up to €800 per week for larger houses.
A number of people did complain about a small number of houses being extremely expensive and that is a disappointment as owners were not from Ardara and Ardara Tourism would be keen to ensure visitors get value for money at all times.
Food outlets were also busy with reports of excellent food at reasonable prices being reported to the Tourist Office and this is something to build on going forward. There was general disappointment that pubs were closed but hopefully next year things will be back to normal.
Walk on the Wild Side
A word of congratulations to Kevin Maguire on his efforts to develop structured, organized and safe mountain walks in the area. Anyone who has been on a Kevin Maguire Walk will appreciate the beauty and the joy of walking in a real way.
Visit the Walk on the Wild Side Facebook page or Contact Kevin on 087-6734875.

The sympathy of the community goes to the family and friends of the late Phonsie Neil Breslin formerly of Magumna and London, Evelyn O Byrne of the Narin Road and Kitty Watters of Edergole who all died recently.