Jimmy KennedyThe “South of the Border” Festival takes place from the 14th to 16th of February and celebrates the talents of renowned composer Jimmy Kennedy, whose works include songs like “South of the Border” and “Red Sails in the Sunset”. We also remember and acknowledge the talents of local hero, the late Packie Manus Byrne, who was a composer, musician, entertainer and man of many parts and whose birthday takes place in February.The theme of this year’s festival is “The Bard of Ardara”. With this in mind, we introduce two of the most outstanding story tellers of their time and former winners of the “Bard of Armagh”, Declan Forde and Patsy O’Hagan, and we welcome Patsy Cavanagh, the composer of that famous Donegal song ‘This is my Homeland’.Join MC and legendary orator Frank Galligan as he introduces and launches the “Bard of Ardara”. Frank will introduce Patsy O Hagan and Declan Forde, two of the most famous storytellers of our time. Come and see these two great storytellers perform on Friday night in the Corner House at 9pm and later in the Beehive at 10.30pm, and on Saturday at the Jimmy Kennedy Concert in the Nesbitt Arms.Saturday evening sees the Jimmy Kennedy Concert in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel at 8.30 pm. Join John Joe McBrearty who will introduce Neilly, Paul and Friends for a special Concert of Ragtime and Tin Pan Alley music, with contributions from the Kilcar Choral Society, Brid Carr, Patsy Cavanagh and many more. This was the outstanding concert of 2019 and promises to be bigger and better this year. A Concert not to be missed.A Packie Manus Byrne Evening will take place in the Beehive Bar at 10.30 pm with MC Frank Galligan.Sunday sees the Album Launch with Frank Galligan in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel at 3.30 pm. Bri Carr introduces her follow-up album – H.O.M.E. This is an exciting new Album of original songs in Irish and English. One of the songs, ‘Tigers of Donegal’, in memory of the Tunnel Tigers, will be released as a single later. This Album Launch is a very significant event in the theme of Composers, Jimmy Kennedy and Packie Manus Byrne. Many talented Composers like Patrick Cavanagh from North Donegal who composed the popular song ‘This is my Homeland’ and last year’s winner of the Jimmy Kennedy Song Contest, Claire Ward, will also perform, as will many of the ladies of ‘The Wild Atlantic Woman’. A Concert not to be missed!The 2020 programme is now available on our South of the Border page.
GAA Presentation Night
The GAA Presentation Night will take place in the Clubhouse this Saturday 8th February. A Buffet will be served at 8.30pm sharp followed by the annual awards as well as the presentation of medals to both the winning senior mens and ladies teams.
Gortnacart National School Enrolment
Anyone wishing to enrol their child for September 2020 please contact the school on 074-9541799 or email: gortnacart1909@gmail.comHave a look at the school website: www.gortnacartns.com for all the activities and events in the school. Due to the size and location of our school we take into consideration each individual family and their needs.
Pop-up Art Gallery at Gortnacart NS
Gortnacart National School is hosting a ‘Pop-up Art Gallery’ on the 12th March between 6.30pm and 8.00pm.Everyone is welcome on the night to view the children’s artwork. This would also be a great opportunity for any parent(s) of children starting primary school to come in and view the school and consider enrolment in September.
Beginners Tin Whistle Classes
Starting Wednesday 5th February from 2pm to 3pm in The Heritage Centre, Ardara.These classes are for adults, but if there’s interest in children’s classes they can be facilitated. Booking is essential as places are filling up quickly.There is a booking fee of €20.For further information contact Colm: 087-3222910.
Men’s Shed Art Classes
Art classes begin Wednesday 5th February and continue every Wednesday from 1pm to 4pm in the Men’s Shed at Thomas Boyle’s (The Greenhouse).Everyone welcome to join in at any time. For more information phone Colm on: 087-3222910
Irish Classes
Irish Language Classes are currently being organised in The Heritage Centre.Anyone interested should phone Colm on: 087-3222910
Donegal Mountain Rescue Talent Showcase
A Talent Showcase takes place in the Nesbitt Arms on Saturday 8th February from 9pm. The show will feature some well established acts along with some superb up and coming artists, so come along, be entertained and enjoy local people showcasing their talents whilst raising money for Donegal Mountain Rescue. Great craic, raffles, and prizes galore!Tickets €10 (including raffle ticket) available in Nancy’s and Diver’s newsagents or from: Kevin Maguire 0876734875, Teague McFadden at St. Shanaghan House, or The Nesbitt Arms Hotel.
Oliver Boyle Memorial Card Drive
The Oliver Boyle Memorial 25 Card Drive will take place in the Corner House Bar on Sunday 23rd February at 8pm. Everyone welcome.
Flotto Results
The Flotto Results on Mon 3rd February were: 1, 7, 17 and 22 and the nearest were Jacinta Gallagher, Meenakillew and John Boyle, Kentucky. ARDARA WEATHER
B&B situated at Hillhead Ardara with four rooms available.Situated in a quiet area just 200m from the center of the village.To book contact Irene on 087 295 4920 Share: