Bluegrass Festival
Save the date! The Ardara Bluegrass Festival takes place from tomorrow, Friday July 21st to Sunday July 23rd at various locations throughout the town. More details and Programme of Events are on the Bluegrass Festival page.
The Good & New Cancer Bus Fundraiser will take place on Saturday July 22nd from 2-5pm in the Parish Centre. Tea/coffee and goodies. All welcome.
Book Launch: “The Road to Glenlough”

The launch of “The Road to Glenlough” by Christy Gillespie takes place in the Parish Centre on 21st July at 8pm.
Lavishly illustrated and meticulously researched, the book breathes life into the fascinating history of the area and its people.
The book will be launched by local councillor Anthony Molloy and it would be great if as many people as possible could attend this important launch.
Further details on the Event Page.
Community Development Vacancies
Four new roles available within the Ardara Community Development program. Contact Conor on +353-87-6220830 or email for more information.

Ardara Health Centre Announcement
Our Contact number is 074-9541134, this phone is attended between 09.30am – 12.30pm weekdays. We will return to normal service on 01.08.2023. Please be aware that the lines are extremely busy.
All of us at Ardara Health Centre thank you for your patience and understanding at this difficult time. We have been working extremely hard to arrange cover while Dr. Sweeney is on sick-leave. Unfortunately there is a severe shortage of locum doctors available in the county, and as a result we have had a reduced service over the past 2 weeks (see below for opening times and Doctor cover arrangements from 17th -28th July ) .
Dr Sweeney will return to work on Tuesday August 1st 2023 and we are delighted to announce that Dr Eleanor Cape will be joining the practice on a permanent basis from August 4th 2023. A 3rd doctor is joining the practice in October 2023.
With 3 doctors and 2 practice nurses the practice will have a much needed additional capacity to see patients and will allow for the running of specialised clinics. It will be a move towards a more patient centred care.
We would like to thank our neighboring GP practices in Glenties (Dr M Cooke, Dr Evelyn McManus) Leitir Mhic a’Bhaird (Dr. Charlie McManus), Killybegs (Dr. Kamran Qadeer, Dr. Charles Burke) Carrick ( Dr. Kehoe) Dunkineely (Dr. Muhandiramge) Dr Eleanor Cape, Dr Kieran Harkin and Dr Heather MacIntyre.
Ardara Health Centre opening times and Doctor cover arrangements from 17th -28th July 2023
The Surgery will be open and phones attended between the hours of 09.30am and 12.30pm each weekday.
The majority of queries will be dealt with by our staff, while in some cases you will be asked to give your details and receive a call back.
Outside of the above times you will be instructed to ring 999 in the case of a medical emergency or avail of the NowDoc service between 06.00pm and 08.00am
The annual Blessing of the Graves will take place on Sunday August 6th at 3pm.
The St. Conal’s Turas on Iniskeel led by Bishop Alan McGuckian SJ will be leaving Narin Beach on Saturday July 22nd at 1.45pm. All welcome.
Ardara Show Prize Schedule

The Prize Schedule for this year’s Ardara Show is now available to view or download on the Ardara Show page.
Lots of new classes added and plenty of prizes to be won.

Teenage Disco

Teenage Disco featuring DJ Dave Duke, Live at the Ardara GAA Marquee. 11th August, 9pm to 12am.
Under 18s only.
Admission €12.
Tickets on sale now at
See the Event page for further details.
Late Dermot Maguire
There has been a huge outpouring of sadness and sympathy in the local community following the death of Dermot Maguire, at his late residence, Edergole, Ardara, surrounded by his loving family.
Sadly missed by his brothers Michael, Malachy, Pat, Paul, his sisters Mary, Imelda, Ann, Patricia, Eileen, his brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, extended family, friends and neighbours to whom deepest sympathy is extended. Predeceased by his parents Michael and Philomena, his brothers Bernard and Eunan.
Remains reposed at his late residence on Thursday last.
Funeral Mass took place in The Church of the Holy Family, Ardara, at 1pm on Friday past, with burial afterwards in the adjoining cemetery.
Family flowers only, donations, if desired, to Cancer Care West c/o any family member.
May his gentle soul rest in peace.