Duchas Calling
The committee of The Duchas Magazine are calling for articles, stories or pictures for the Christmas edition. You may send to duchasannual@gmail.com or drop into Stephen at West End House, Ardara.
Ardara Health Centre: Covid Vaccines
The HSE are continuing to supply GPs with Covid-19 vaccines for the vaccination of individuals on THE BASIS OF AGE.
GPs can vaccinate all those 18 and over, while excess doses on the day may be used for the 16-18 year age group. If you are 16 years and over and REGISTERED AS A PATIENT with Dr Mireille Sweeney, filling the form below will put your name on the Ardara Health Centre Covid 19 vaccination list. If we have a vaccine for you we will be contacting you by phone to finalize your appointment. Texting is no longer an option, as with vaccines now also available from HSE Hubs and Pharmacies, it has resulted in quite a few “no shows” at our last vaccine clinic. https://ardaraprimarycarecentre.ie/open_covid.html
Anniversary Masses
Masses can be viewed at: mcnmedia.tv/camera/church-of-the-holy-family-ardara
Tuesday 20th – Cornelius Bonner
Wednesday 21st – McHugh Family, Beagh
Thursday 22nd – Mary Ellen & Patrick Gallagher
Friday 23rd – Daniel, Mary B and James Boyle, Gortnacart.
Saturday 24th – Farrell and McKinney deceased at 11.00am – Months Mind Mass of Sara Gallagher & anniversary of Josie Gallagher at 7.30pm

We express the sympathy of the Community to Ann Maloney & family Edergole on the recent death of her sister Marie Haughey in Carrick.