Ardara is experiencing huge numbers of visitors from all over Ireland and all are welcome but social distancing must be observed at all times.
Duchas Magazine

The Board of Duchas are seeking submissions for the Christmas edition: letters, stories, photos are welcome as the editorial prepare for the next edition.
Send submissions to or deliver to Stephen at West End House, Ardara, Co. Donegal.
Anniversary Masses This Week
For those viewing on the Church of the Holy Family webcam:
Wednesday: Darren and Kevin Gough
Thursday: The Breslin Family Burkestown
Thursday evening: Month’s mind mass for Conal Watters
Friday: Tommy Feeney
Saturday morning: Margaret and Gerard Slowey
Saturday evening: Conor Breslin

Sympathy of the community goes to the McGill Family, Aighe Bridge, on the death of their mother Mary who was buried on Friday.
HSE Updates
HPV cervical screening – new videos
Cervical screening has started again. Priority groups started getting invitations for HPV cervical screening from 6 July. Those on a 3 or 12 month recall and 25 year olds being screened for the first time are being invited first followed by those who have had tests delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. HPV cervical screening is a new way of cervical screening. Though your sample is collected in the same way, it is tested for the HPV virus first. If HPV is found, your test sample is checked for abnormal cells. HPV cervical screening finds 9 in 10 cases of abnormal cells and is the best way to see if you’re at risk of cervical cancer in the future.
We have created a series of animated videos that explain the new testing process in a way that is simple and easily understood. We welcome your support by sharing the videos on your social media platforms.
- What is cervical screening?
- What is HPV?
- Restarting cervical screening safely –
- How is cervical screening done?
- How effective is cervical screening?
- Your HPV cervical screening results
- Symptoms to look out for
Face coverings
Face coverings are now required by law on public transport, retail outlets, and other public places. Face coverings offer a higher level of protection from infection, however, for people with communication difficulties face shields (including perspex shield and similar) are acceptable. With this in mind we thought it might be timely to share with you some simple messages you can help to pass on.
This video explains how to wear a face covering. You will also find up to date information on when to wear a mask. Click here for all of the up to date information on when a mask should be worn as well as lots of other helpful information.
Covid Tracker App
Issues that some users were having with Covid Tracker App have now been resolved. The operating system has been updated so if you deleted the app you can download it again.
Download the app on
HSE Approved Guidance for Disability Services
New guidance to support the resumption of Children’s Disability Services has just been published and can be found here. All COVID-19 guidance documents developed to date to support staff and carers who provide services to people with disabilities, can be found here.
Induction Session for the Youth Sector
This short online training from the DCYA in partnership with NYCI with video content, a quiz, and downloadable resources to help you get ready for a return to youth services. On completion of this official induction you get a certificate for your employer/line manager. Take the course and get your certificate >>
Public Health Information
As always, for the most up to date information and advice on Coronavirus, please go to: and Clinical and professional guidance relating to COVID-19 is available on where you’ll find up to date guidance for healthcare settings and non-clinical settings.