Ardara News Jan. 11th

Just For MenFREE Introduction Workshop on Tues 19th Jan 7.30-9pm in the Heritage Centre, Ardara. This course is like a gym membership for the mind, helping you to adapt a more positive mind-set & discover the advantages of looking after your mental heath. A fun evening that includes relaxation & mindfulness techniques.
The Power of Positive Thinking for women-FREE Introduction Workshop on Mon 18th Jan 7.30-9pm in the Dolmen Centre, Portnoo.
Jiving Classes Return: A new programme of Jiving Classes returns at the Heritage Centre this Thursday night 14th January at 8.30pm. Also Waltz and Quick Step will be taught. All are welcome.
Improve life in Chernobyl: Siobhan Mc Nelis in conjuction with Chernobyl Kilkenny Outreach Group would appreciate if you could help out with much needed items to improve life in Chernobyl. Items required are good quality clothes from newborn to adults and shoes for adults and children, socks and underwear, towels, bedlinen duvets, blankets, nappies, medicated nappy creams, calpol and nurofen meds, baby equipment ie buggies, prams, highhairs, etc, and toiletries. Toys that are not battery operated welcome also. All items are need by early February 2016. Contact Siobhan on 074 9545339, on Facebook or email Your help would be greatly appreciated.Downstrands Family Resource Centre – Winter programme
Just for Men in the Dolmen Centre’ a free positive thinking workshop for men, Creative Writing Workshop, ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’, Walking Group, Mindfulness, Jewellery Making, ‘Get to know your Ipad’ Archaeology, and ‘Total Body Fitness’ these all take place in the Dolmen Centre then we have Mosaics, and Knit & Crochet taking place in Glenties.
Study Skills for Leaving Cert students in the Dolmen Centre: Foroige for 1st years and upwards in the Comp. There is also Badminton, Basketball, Guitar Lessons and Judo.Downstrands Babies & Toddlers Group in the Dolmen Centre: and Glenties Babies & Toddlers Group, ‘Bumps and Beyond’ breastfeeding group,Rainbows – for children from 6 -12 years who are experiencing loss due to parental separation or bereavement.Sympathy:The sympathy of the community this weeks goes to Packie Kennedy, Ard Conal, on the death in Luton, England, of his sister Bridie Kennedy whos Funeral took place in Ardara on Sunday last
Check out some of our sponsors:
Lynda’s Boutique
Ladies clothing and footwear boutique. New arrivals daily and open Mon-Sat 10.30am – 6pm. Follow on Instagram for updates here. Contact: +353 74 954 1897 Share: