Face Masks
On 10 August 2020, new public health laws (pdf) made appropriate face coverings mandatory for customers in:
- Shops, including pharmacies
- Shopping centres
- Libraries
- Cinemas and cinema complexes
- Theatres
- Concert halls
- Bingo halls
- Museums
- Nail salons
- Hair salons and barbers
- Tattoo and piercing parlours
- Travel agents and tour operators
- Laundries and dry cleaners
- Bookmakers
Anyone who does not wear a face covering (or anyone who ignores a request to wear one) without a reasonable excuse may face a fine of up to €2,500 and/or up to 6 months imprisonment.
More detailed information is available on citizensinformation.ie

Duchas Calling
The Board of Duchas are seeking submissions for the Christmas edition: letters, stories, photos are welcome as the editorial prepare for the next edition. Send submissions to duchasannual@gmail.com or deliver to Stephen at West End House, Ardara, Co. Donegal.
Robert Freeburn
The death of Robert Freeburn was treated with much sadness by the community of Ardara. Robert was a kind gentleman loved by all who met him. He was very involved in the community and though in poor health in recent times, his death still evokes much sorrow. The community of Ardara lost a true son of Ardara with his passing. May he rest in peace.
A large influx of visitors have descended on Ardara in recent weeks. Huge crowds at the Waterfall, Maghera, Glengesh, Loughross Point and Narin are unprecedented. We welcome all our visitors and appreciate their effort to social distance.
Be Responsible, Be Safe
We are still at risk of a large surge of infection. Everyone should use their judgement and follow the advice below to help slow the spread of coronavirus.
Try and limit the number of people you meet with outside of your home and the time you spend with them.
You should:
- avoid crowds – leave a location if social distancing becomes difficult.
- only use public transport for essential journeys
- avoid indoor and outdoor gatherings where you can’t keep 2 metres apart from other people
- wear a face covering when visiting people aged 70 or over, or other vulnerable people – be sure to practice social distancing for their safety
- work from home if possible
- wear a face covering on public transport, in shops and other indoor settings – this is the law, you may be fined or refused entry if you don’t wear one
We sympathise with all the deaths in the Parish in recent times in particular Charles Kennedy and Robert Freeburn of Tullymore and Margaret Harrington of Sandfield, Mary Breslin of Drumaghey Park, all who died recently.