A table quiz is being held in the marquee at the Ardara Rectory [map] this Saturday (June 30th) beginning at 8pm. In aid of the Church of Ireland and Care of the Aged, tables of four cost €20 for a fun evening of general knowledge questions. Refreshments will be served at the event.On Saturday July 14th, the Rectory is the venue once again for the popular annual afternoon garden fete which will feature a host of attractions and stalls. Teas will be served, there will be a raffle and a lot more!
Spanish Armada Anniversary
La Duquesa Santa Ana Re-Enactment Walk commemorating 430th Anniversary of the Spanish Armada: 1588-2018.Come walk with historic re-enactors in the footsteps of the 900 survivors of the Duquesa Santa Ana from Kiltoorish (Rosbeg) to Killybegs. Family friendly event. Walk duration and length approximately 30 KM (8 hours or walk what you can). Registration will take place at the Ardara Community Centre [map] 8.30 to 9.00am, Saturday 4th August. Bus transfers to/from start/finish.Adult (over 16 years): €20.00
Children freeAll walkers meet at the Commons School, Killybegs at 6pm for the final walk into Killybegs and the closing ceremony. Find out more on www.donegalgapheritage.ie.
Ardara 5K road race/walk
Wednesday 4th July at 7.30pm. Registration from 6.30pm in the Methodist Hall.Don’t miss out on our annual 5K, a day not to be missed!Race chip timing. Proceeds in aid of Ardara Methodist Church.
Scoil Mhin Tine De flag raising ceremony
Well Done to everyone at Scoil Mhin Tine De on their flag raising ceremony!Minister Joe McHugh very kindly did the honors and raised the 5th green flag. Maith sibh!
Wild Atlantic Festival
The Wild Atlantic Festival will take place on 4th to 11th August which will involved many activities, tours and walks to name but a few. Some of the highlights of the week will be:
Saturday 4th: The En-enactment walk from Rosbeg to Killybegs
Sunday 5th: The annual blessing of the graves
Mon 6th: A local walk, dancing at the Crossroads, a country dance with all star band
Tuesday 7th: Weaving & Craft display in St. Shanaghan House
Thursday 8th: Weaving Display in Molloy’s Factory Shop on the Killybegs Road
Fri 10th: Weaving & Craft display in the heritage Centre, visit to Stephen Bennett Art Gallery, Duck race on the Owenea River
Saturday 11th is Show Day and also a Coffee morning at the Flower Pot to name but a few
Other events are Bart Whelan’s Photographic Exhibition in the Heritage Centre, Street Music and various films.
Beagh Farm Cottage nestles in a sheltered position off a private lane. It is less than 5 minutes from the heritage town of Ardara and 10 mins from the beaches…
A warm welcome awaits at this newly opened B&B set along the Wild Atlantic Way within walking distance of Ardara town centre. TV and free Wifi in each room. All…