Dinner Dance for Paul Dawson’s MS Fundraising on Saturday 29th July, in
The Nesbitt Arms Hotel
Paul Dawson is a fine young man from Glenties. Sadly Paul suffers from a severe form of MS. The good news for Paul is that there is a successful treatment in India that would help him, but the cost is extreme. The good people in Glenties, Ardara, Portnoo and the surrounding areas have mounted a great fundraising campaign to bring Paul to India, and now they are on the last hurdle.A special dinner dance has been organised in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel for Saturday July 29th. This is no ordinary dinner dance, there will be a drinks reception, followed by a 5 course meal, a raffle, and a silent auction with some very exciting prizes, and the fantastic Keltic Kaos will be playing !!! Please come and support to give a friend a chance of a better quality life. Tickets are €50, and are on sale in the Nesbitt Arms Hotel or Glenties Post office. This great night is one of the last events to raise much needed funds to reach the final target, and your support is greatly appreciated. Please spread the word. Thank You 😄
Some of the wonderful prizes which are part of the Silent Auction on the night ………