Revolution in the air as Paddy McGill Annual Lecture Returns

   BrendanDr. Breandán MacSuibhne The Annual Paddy McGill Lecture will take place in the Heritage Center on Saturday the 19th of March @ 8.30pmThis years talk will be given by  Ardara local and esteemed History Professor & Academic Dr. Breandán MacSuibhne, returning from the US to deliver a special talk for our 1916 centenary year.
This lecture is in memory of Wee Paddy Mc Gill. It has been held every year since his death in 1982, usually taking place in October, it was felt to be fitting to move it to coincide with the start of the Easter Rising Centenary Celebrations.
Title of Lecture is:
“The Revolutionary Generation in South West Donegal.”
Focusing on South  West of Donegal on the Years surronding 1916
Paddy McGill lecture

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