Church of the Holy Family Newsletter – Sun. 1st May 2022

Daily and weekend Masses at the usual times.

Confessions available after the 11.00am Mass on Saturday.

Anniversary and Remembrance Masses

Monday: Alan McHugh

Tuesday: Brigid Gavigan

Thursday: William, Mary Rose Boyle and Gary Cahill

Saturday at 11.00am: Mary Brennan

Saturday at 7.30pm: John and Kitty Watters

Mass at Barkillew Mass Rock

Mass will be celebrated at the Mass Rock at Barkillew at 7.00pm on Monday evening, weather permitting.


The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place next Sunday 8th May at 2.00pm.

St. Vincent de Paul Collection

The St. Vincent de Paul Society annual collection for Uganda will be this Saturday and Sunday. All proceeds go to fund agricultural and educational projects.


Donegal ITB-ICDL new course in FET Centre (old Tec), Donegal Town. Currently recruiting for September.

Modules include: Word Processing; Spreadsheets; Presentation; Design; Data Protection; IT Security; Web Design; Computer Online Essentials and Digital Marketing.

For information etc. ring Caroline at 074-9721705.

The Dead

Pete Connolly, Drumaghy Park, whose funeral took place on Wednesday.

And we also pray for Alan McHugh, Brigid Gavigan, William and Mary Rose Boyle and Gary Cahill, Mary Brennan, John and Kitty Watters, whose anniversaries occur.

May they rest in peace with the Risen Christ. Amen.
