Dolmen Centre receives Swimming Pool planning approval

24th July 2019

After many years of work, the Narin, Portnoo, Rosbeg Community Co-Operative Society Ltd. (Dolmen Centre) is proud to announce that Donegal County Council have granted planning approval for our 25m x 10m Swimming Pool at Kilclooney, Portnoo.There is a 4 week period before we get official Planning recognition (subject to any of the bodies who raised ‘an interest’, lodging an objection). Considering that these bodies have already looked at the project and deemed it appropriate, this is unlikely.We are indebted to the Committee (in particular Tony Kitterick, who project managed this feat from the start), and to you the Community who stood by us when we ran fundraisers to engage Design Teams, create a Feasibility Study, source Natura Impact Statement etc. There are some conditions which we will have to observe, but these are not insurmountable and we look forward to progressing to the next stage of the project.We always hoped to have our Planning Permission this side of a General Election, and we would encourage you all to use your democratic right to influence any prospective T.D’s when they are canvassing our area.This Planning Permission is a bold statement by our Community, which states that we the people of this area believe that this will act as a ‘Flagship Project’ which will bring much needed investment to our area. We have spent nearly €100,000 to date on this development and it is now appropriate that the Funding Bodies and Government in general get behind us on this worthwhile project.We will be preparing a funding plan in the Autumn which will see us prepare for any future progress.Watch this space for further action!  

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